Forum Discussion

timgarbim's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Oracle Rac with Recovery

Hello, i´m configuring oracle Rac, but this time with a recovery Database Ex : server1 server2 recovery catalog database (its in the same oracle rac)   Here´s what im doing : install Ra...
  • Backup_Exec1's avatar
    12 years ago




    Well, i saw the logs and it´s say its working. The job logs in Rman say it´s working.


    But in my Example, the database is about 550 GB, and the backup is doing only 1.6 GB.



    To verify this why it is only backing up 1.6 GB what happen if you do DBA intiated job using Rman from any one of the nodes and check if it backup 550 gb or 1.6gb

     RUN {


    Please use the above script to run DBA intiated job


    Moreover ,Please let me know the results of Isolation when you have done that

    3 Finally to Isolate the issue please try following

    From the second node, using the sqlplus connect to the recovery database and check how much time it takes to connect & see how much time it takes ,if it is taking long time ,it is not a backupexec issue then


    And finally to answer this question of yours

    Q The questions is : with a big database, Backup Exec take a long time to check ? For example, in SQL, it does a physical_check by default.

    Ans :

    No as like SQL it would not be doing any check so there is something which we need to check.


    Hope that helps
