Forum Discussion

Yaqoob_Qaudri's avatar
10 years ago

media not moving to robot control host

I wanted to duplicate December backup to another media ,

Job Details

5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - begin Duplicate
5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - requesting resource IFGWHULNAS002-hcart2-robot-tld-0
5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - requesting resource 000002
5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - reserving resource 000002
5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - Error nbjm(pid=6276) NBU status: 167, EMM status: Media Pool is not defined in EMM
5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - Error nbjm(pid=6276) NBU status: 167, EMM status: Media Pool is not defined in EMM
5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - Error nbjm(pid=6276) NBU status: 167, EMM status: Media Pool is not defined in EMM
5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - Error nbjm(pid=6276) NBU status: 167, EMM status: Media Pool is not defined in EMM
5/17/2015 4:25:19 AM - end Duplicate; elapsed time: 0:00:01
cannot find requested volume pool in EMM database(167)

my December backup image is in 000002 media , Which is under Standalone Residence , I have moved this media manually under robot control host.

But when backup run inventory, getting error media is not available , I tried to inventory robot the media asked to go to Standalone.

5/17/2015 2:52:00 PM > Inventory & Update for TLD(0) on IFGWHULNAS002
Generating list of recommended changes ...
Proposed Change(s) to Update the Volume Configuration
Logically move media ID 000002 (barcode 000002L5) from slot 3 to standalone residence.
Update volume configuration?

D:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin>vmquery.exe -m 000002

media ID:              000002
media type:            1/2" cartridge tape 2 (14)
barcode:               000002L5
media description:     ---
volume pool:           Monthly-HULBackups (7)
robot type:            TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number:          0
robot slot:            3
robot control host:    IFGWHULNAS002
volume group:          000_00000_TLD
vault name:            ---
vault sent date:       ---
vault return date:     ---
vault slot:            ---
vault session id:      ---
vault container id:    -
created:               5/1/2014 12:51:08 AM
assigned:              12/6/2014 12:00:12 AM
last mounted:          12/6/2014 12:01:03 AM
first mount:           6/16/2014 1:17:00 AM
expiration date:       ---
number of mounts:      42
max mounts allowed:    ---
status:                0x0



  • Glad I could point you in the right direction............

9 Replies

  • What is the purpose of barcode rule screenshot? Barcode rule only applies to new media. You also cannot change the volume pool of an Assigned tape. Please help us understand where the tape is right now. You show us output of inventory where tape is moved to standalone and next thing you show us output of vmquery showing the tape in slot 3 of the robot. We have no idea from above output where the tape is or where it should be....
  • Tape is in Robot Control , Slot 3 but while running duplication getting error that media 000002 is not available.

    yes , media is in library 000002

  • The error is is about the pool, not the tape: "Media Pool is not defined in EMM" Please show us the command that you used to duplicate?
  • From GUI


    5/17/2015 3:58:51 AM - begin Duplicate
    5/17/2015 3:58:52 AM - requesting resource IFGWHULNAS002-hcart2-robot-tld-0
    5/17/2015 3:58:52 AM - requesting resource 000002
    5/17/2015 3:58:52 AM - reserving resource 000002
    5/17/2015 3:58:52 AM - reserved resource 000002
    5/17/2015 3:58:52 AM - granted resource HUL109
    5/17/2015 3:58:52 AM - granted resource IBM.ULT3580-HH5.002
    5/17/2015 3:58:52 AM - granted resource IFGWHULNAS002-hcart2-robot-tld-0
    5/17/2015 3:58:52 AM - granted resource 000002
    5/17/2015 3:58:52 AM - granted resource IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001
    5/17/2015 3:58:53 AM - Info bptm(pid=4688) start            
    5/17/2015 3:58:53 AM - started process bptm (4688)
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4688) using 65536 data buffer size        
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4688) setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes      
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4688) using 30 data buffers         
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4688) start backup           
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4296) start            
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - started process bptm (4296)
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4688) setting receive network buffer to 263168 bytes      
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4296) reading backup image          
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4688) backup child process is pid 5368.6692       
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4688) Waiting for mount of media id HUL109 (copy 2) on server IFGWHULNAS002.
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - started process bptm (4688)
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - mounting HUL109
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4688) INF - Waiting for mount of media id HUL109 on server IFGWHULNAS002 for writing.
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=5368) start            
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - started process bptm (5368)
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4296) using 30 data buffers         
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4296) spawning a child process         
    5/17/2015 3:58:54 AM - Info bptm(pid=4296) child pid: 4092          
    5/17/2015 3:58:55 AM - Info bptm(pid=4092) start            
    5/17/2015 3:58:55 AM - started process bptm (4092)
    5/17/2015 3:58:55 AM - Info bptm(pid=4296) Waiting for mount of media id 000002 (copy 1) on server IFGWHULNAS002.
    5/17/2015 3:58:55 AM - started process bptm (4296)
    5/17/2015 3:58:55 AM - mounting 000002
    5/17/2015 3:58:55 AM - Info bptm(pid=4296) INF - Waiting for mount of media id 000002 on server IFGWHULNAS002 for reading.
    5/17/2015 3:59:42 AM - Error bptm(pid=4296) error requesting media, TpErrno = Robot operation failed     
    5/17/2015 3:59:42 AM - current media 000002 complete, requesting next resource IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001:Monthly-HULBackups:000002
    5/17/2015 3:59:45 AM - awaiting resource IBM.ULT3580-HH5.001:Monthly-HULBackups:000002 A pending request has been generated for this resource request.
         Operator action may be required. Pending Action: Misplaced tape.,
         Media ID: 000002, Barcode: 000002L5, Density: hcart2, Access Mode: Read,
         Action Drive Name: N/A, Action Media Server: IFGWHULNAS002, Robot Number: 0, Robot Type: TLD,
         Volume Group: 000_00000_TLD, Action Acs: N/A, Action Lsm: N/A


    Tried with command

    bpduplicate -backupid ifgwhulnas001_1417824013 -dstunit IFGWHULNAS002-hcart2-robot-tld-0 -dp December14 -rl 8

    5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - begin Duplicate
    5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - requesting resource IFGWHULNAS002-hcart2-robot-tld-0
    5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - requesting resource 000002
    5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - reserving resource 000002
    5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - Error nbjm(pid=6276) NBU status: 167, EMM status: Media Pool is not defined in EMM
    5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - Error nbjm(pid=6276) NBU status: 167, EMM status: Media Pool is not defined in EMM
    5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - Error nbjm(pid=6276) NBU status: 167, EMM status: Media Pool is not defined in EMM
    5/17/2015 4:25:18 AM - Error nbjm(pid=6276) NBU status: 167, EMM status: Media Pool is not defined in EMM
    5/17/2015 4:25:19 AM - end Duplicate; elapsed time: 0:00:01
    cannot find requested volume pool in EMM database(167)


  • Thanks for updated info. There is a mismatch between NBU inventory and the robot. Use robtest on IFGWHULNAS002 to show all slots s s s p and to test tape mount. m s? d1 Slot number above will be the slot number where 's s' showed media id 000002. This will show us what the robot sees in the slots and why the robot does not want to mount the tape. Your cmd is failing because there is no volume pool called December14. You can list all pools with vmpool -listall.
  • Glad I could point you in the right direction............

  • I found that media 000002 is not avaialbe in Tape Library .

    Invoking robotic test utility:
    D:\Program Files\Veritas\Volmgr\bin\tldtest.exe -rn 0 -r {1,0,3,1}

    Opening {1,0,3,1}
    MODE_SENSE complete
    Enter tld commands (? returns help information)
    s s
    slot 1 (addr 4096) contains Cartridge = yes
    Sense code = 0x30, Code qualifier = 0x3
    Source address = 4096
    Barcode =
    slot 2 (addr 4097) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 3 (addr 4098) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 4 (addr 4099) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 5 (addr 4100) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 6 (addr 4101) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 7 (addr 4102) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 8 (addr 4103) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 9 (addr 4104) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 10 (addr 4105) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 11 (addr 4106) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 12 (addr 4107) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 13 (addr 4108) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 14 (addr 4109) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 15 (addr 4110) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 16 (addr 4111) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 17 (addr 4112) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 18 (addr 4113) contains Cartridge = no
    << Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

    slot 19 (addr 4114) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 20 (addr 4115) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 21 (addr 4116) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 22 (addr 4117) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4117
    Barcode = HUL109L5
    slot 23 (addr 4118) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4118
    Barcode = HUL112L5
    slot 24 (addr 4119) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4119
    Barcode = HUL115L5
    slot 25 (addr 4120) contains Cartridge = yes
    Barcode = HUL115L5
    slot 25 (addr 4120) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4120
    Barcode = HUL118L5
    slot 26 (addr 4121) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4121
    Barcode = HUL108L5
    slot 27 (addr 4122) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4122
    Barcode = HUL111L5
    << Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

    slot 28 (addr 4123) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4123
    Barcode = HUL114L5
    slot 29 (addr 4124) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4124
    Barcode = HUL117L5
    slot 30 (addr 4125) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4125
    Barcode = HUL107L5
    slot 31 (addr 4126) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4126
    Barcode = HUL110L5
    slot 32 (addr 4127) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4127
    Barcode = HUL113L5
    slot 33 (addr 4128) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4128
    Barcode = HUL116L5
    slot 34 (addr 4129) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4129
    Barcode = 000009L5
    << Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

    slot 35 (addr 4130) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4130
    Barcode = 000005L5
    slot 36 (addr 4131) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4131
    Barcode = HUL103L5
    slot 37 (addr 4132) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4132
    Barcode = HUL104L5
    slot 38 (addr 4133) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4133
    Barcode = 000003L5
    slot 39 (addr 4134) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4134
    Barcode = 000001L5
    slot 40 (addr 4135) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4135
    Barcode = HUL102L5
    slot 41 (addr 4136) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4136
    Barcode = HUL105L5
    << Press return to continue, or q and return to stop >>

    slot 42 (addr 4137) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4137
    Barcode = 000007L5
    slot 43 (addr 4138) contains Cartridge = no
    slot 44 (addr 4139) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4139
    Barcode = HUL101L5
    slot 45 (addr 4140) contains Cartridge = yes
    Source address = 4140
    Barcode = HUL106L5
    s p
    Address 16, import_enabled = 1, export_enabled = 1, access = 1
      except = 0, import_export = 0, full = 0
    Address 17, import_enabled = 1, export_enabled = 1, access = 1
      except = 0, import_export = 0, full = 0
    Address 18, import_enabled = 1, export_enabled = 1, access = 1
      except = 0, import_export = 0, full = 0
    m s3 d1
    Initiating MOVE_MEDIUM from address 4098 to 256
    move_medium failed
    sense key = 0x5, asc = 0x3b, ascq = 0xe, MEDIUM SOURCE ELEMENT EMPTY