I can´t add a librery tape backup
Hi Guys, my name is Walter.
I have a problem with a library tape backup.
My organization has:
* One Master server with Windows Server 2008 R2 and NetBackup
* Two Media Server with Solaris 10, Netbackup and one StorageTek SL24 LTO4 each one.
* One new Media Server with Windows Server 2008 R2, NetBackup and a StorageTeck SL150 LTO5 with 2 drives.
The problem are in the new Tape library backup StorageTek SL150.
I install a new media server, in the server manager of this server I see the two drives are perfects. After, in the master server, I configure the new robot. When add the new robot then i see one drive offline with a problem.I delete all the new configuration in the master server.
Now I use: Configure Storage Devices Wizard for add the tape library and I can see the two drives but i can´t see the new robot. I want to add the robot again and i can't. The error is: Robot number is already in use(21)
I find answers in the forum but i can't repair this error.
Attach four prints
Thanks you Guys.
I solved the problem with this post