Forum Discussion

smckelvey's avatar
Level 5
13 years ago

Implementing Netbackup backups for Sharepoint 2010 environment

I've read through the Netbackup Sharepoint Admin Guide and implemented to the best of my ability, but I still have some questions and I'm still having problems getting the backups to work. Any help is appreciated.

Netbackup environment:

  • everything is running Netbackup Enterprise Server 7.1
  • Master Server and 3 Media Servers are long standing Windows Server 2003 with a StorageTek 40 tape Library
  • In order to GRT with Sharepoint, I just added a Windows Server 2008 Media Server (32-bit) w/ 136GB of attached disk space (not System partition), which I used to add as a BasicDisk Storage Unit in Netbackup.

Sharepoint environment:

  • Sharepoint 2010
  • 3 server farm, all Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit
  • one SQL server, one Front End server, one App server

General questions. Per the Policy recommendations on Page 58 of the Guide,

  • If I only care about item level restores from the GRT backup, can I run only "Policy C": or is said Policy dependent on information in the other Policies?
  • For any of the policies listed, do I only included the Front End server in the Clients list, or do I include SQL and App server as well?



16 Replies

  •  I simply chose a network share on the Master server to which to restore the file.


    OK, I presume you are 'Redirecting individual SharePoint items to a file path' as described in the Admin Guide  


     But your Master Server is not a Sharepoint host is it?

  • Can you expound on BEDS? I'm not familiar with it.


    Sharepoint is SP1, and as I said Netbackup is now at

  • Correct, to a file path, as shown in the attached picture. It happens to be the Master Server which is not a Sharepoint host. I see no indication that I need to restore a single document from GRT to a Sharepoint host. Is that the case?


  • BEDS stands for Backup Exec Data Store . Here SharePoint logs for NBU are saved).

    Most IMP thing . for redirected restoration . Ensure below file exists


    Create No.Restrictions Touch (empty) File on Media Server under /veritas/netbackup/db/altnames

    If altnames directory does not exist, create it

     Make sure Touch file does not have suffix of .txt it should be No.Restrictions only

     To rename extension of file, from windows explorer navigate to Folder Option (Alt+T+O)

    Folder options=> View => Uncheck Hide Extensions for known file types => Apply => Ok

    Make sure you revoke above change after file is created.

  • Instead of using a UNC path for a network share, I decided to try simply "C:\" and "temp" in the "Restore to path"  blanks in the "Microsoft Sharepoint" tab of the restore window. Interestingly enough, it restored to the SQL server, not the Front End server, which is specified in the Policy. So, that should suffice, so I'll consider this item resolved.

  • per Table 4-6 (see picture in first post), for Policy A-1,  I should Exclude the Index files from the Daily Incremental backups.

    I shows "Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Web Application name\Index-DB*". Is there any reason I can do "Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\*\Index-DB*", which would include all Web Applications, w/o having to add each Web Application separately?