Forum Discussion

mrmadej's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

Inactive TCP session - error 636 (firewall)

Hi All, I am looking for the possible solution for problem on customer's environment. I have read a lot of articles and posts. And did not found any solution. None of solutions (i.e. keepalive ...
  • Nicolai's avatar
    9 years ago

    You need  to confgure TCP keepalive on master and media servers with a keep alive time of 15 minutes . The network admin won't change the parameter in the firewall becuase its again best pratice.

    On a red hat host add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf:


    Apply the setting with sysctl -p

    The OS will then keep alive sessions by sending "ping" packages every 15 minutes therby preventing the firewall closing the sessions becuase of idle time. The keep alive is not just for Netbackup but for all application on the host.

    Please see this tech note for configuring AIX hosts 

    DOCUMENTATION: COMM_FAILURE as a consequence of reusing a transport that has been inactive across a firewall

    Hint: be aware of "unit per messure".