Forum Discussion

Gonzalo_Gomez_G's avatar
14 years ago

Information about deduplication in Netbackup 7.1?


We are trying to sell a new backup solution for a customer, and we want to include 3 media server with deduplication, I want to know or confirm this:

- What's the maximum addressable storage which can MS deduplication is able to manage? I find is 32TB but I'm not sure is this 32TB backend disk and doesn't need to be related with the deduplication ratio? E.g. if one MS is capable to have deduplication like 10:1 then the MS can address 320TB of real data?

- How can I get an idea about the throughput, We are configuring three identical MS deduplication nodes with the following characteristics: 2 CPUS, 6-core, Intel, 3.06GHz, 96GB in RAM, 22 HD SAS 1TB and 512MB of cache (DL180G6)?

- And We want to have an idea of the deduplication block size (chunks)? What kind of deduplication strategy Symantec use? Fixed blocks, Variable blocks? is based in hash table? 

- How can I have an idea about the metadata space? Is there a calculator to know that in advance?



Gonzalo G

  • Hi,


    • 32 TB is what you can assign to the Media Server, what the protected value is depends on dedupe rates in your environment.
    • This would depend on your environment but take a look at the guide for some more information
    • I think Netbackup uses fixed block, didn't find any documentation on this.
    • NetBackup reserves 10% of the 32TB for the Database. It might not reach that figure but its a protection measure.

4 Replies

  • Hi,


    • 32 TB is what you can assign to the Media Server, what the protected value is depends on dedupe rates in your environment.
    • This would depend on your environment but take a look at the guide for some more information
    • I think Netbackup uses fixed block, didn't find any documentation on this.
    • NetBackup reserves 10% of the 32TB for the Database. It might not reach that figure but its a protection measure.
  • Riaan, Thanks for your answer.

    I'm looking for this answer too; it's very important for my customer know

    - And We want to have an idea of the deduplication block size (chunks)? What kind of deduplication strategy Symantec use? Fixed blocks, Variable blocks? is based in hash table?

    Because they are making comparison between us (Symantec dedup) and hardware base dedup.





  • Based on the training material I have, you can select either fixed or variable block size within your Advanced Disk Pool. You are not limited to either.  Have a look at the following:

    In terms of hardware dedup, Symantec Netbackup uses the term:  OpenStorage dedup.  As long as you have the correct license, you can dedup at either the client, media server or Disk appliance level.

    Hope that helps.  AlfredMJNZ 

  • Thanks, you put the word that I looking for "segments"; Thanks It´s already clear for me and I´m able to explain to my customer. Best regards. Gonzalo G