Forum Discussion

Srikanth_Gubbal's avatar
16 years ago

Issue with McAfee


Does anyone have seen issue with McAfee like after applying VSE 8.5i patch6/patch7/ VSE 8.7i, NetBackup jobs fails with errors 13,23,41.
currently we are following the workaround stated in the below Technote

is there anything else we can do ?

5 Replies

  • Yes, I've seen it. NB support said it's McAfee issue, McAfee said everything is ok with their software.
    We had a problem when McAfee was installed on Media Server, after downgrade to previous release errors dissapeared.
  • In addition to the workarounds listed above, it is always a best practice to configure your antivirus application to exclude the various NetBackup processes and/or folders to improve performance and eliminate file-access contention.

    Directories to Exclude:
    ...\VERITAS\NetBackup (and all subdirectories)
    ...\VERITAS\Volmgr (and all subdirectories)
    C:\Program Files\VERITAS\VxPBX
    Processes to Exclude:
    dbsrv9.exe - Adaptive Server Anywhere - VERITAS_NB Service
    nbemm.exe - NetBackup Enterprise Media Manager Service
    nbjm.exe  - NetBackup Job Manager Service
    nbnos.exe - NetBackup Notification Service
    nbpem.exe - NetBackup Policy Execution Manager Service
    nbrb.exe - NetBackup Resource Broker Service
    nbsl.exe - NetBackup Service Layer Service
    nbsvcmon.exe - NetBackup Service Monitor Service
    nbvault.exe - NetBackup Vault Manager Service
    vmd.exe - NetBackup Volume Manager Service
    bpcompatd.exe - NetBackup Compatibility Service
    bpinetd.exe - NetBackup Client Service
    bpdbm.exe - NetBackup Database Manager Service
    ltid.exe - NetBackup Device Manager Service
    bprd.exe - NetBackup Request Manager Service
    bpjobd.exe - NetBackup Job Daemon
    bpbkar32.exe  - NetBackup Backup Engine
    bpbrm.exe - NetBackup Backup and Restore Manager
    bpcd.exe - NetBackup Connection Daemon
    bptm.exe - NetBackup Tape Manager
    bpdm.exe - NetBackup Disk Manager
    pbx_exchange.exe - Veritas (Symantec) Private Branch Exchange Service

    McAfee is known of this issue and following link will explain you itself.
  • Thanks Rehman,

    we are following the same workaround, but issue still persists in the latest version 8.7i... working with both the supports to resolve this.. shall post the solution once i get it.
  •  I faced similer kind of issues and later on support advised me to follow these procedures. which actually resolved my issue.