Forum Discussion

SLindo's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Java Console

I have to run NBU on a laptop with 1366x768 resolution.  The only problem I have is with the "Change Policy" window.  You can't see or get to the buttons at the bottom.  Anyway to reduce the size of the java screen?  This is Java

  • The EEB is 3797294

    The change was made in 7.6.1, so no later version will (currently at least) work.

    The fix in the EEB is 'in support of the 1024 x 768 resolution - so this should be fine for you.

    EEB is not yet available, I'll update on here when it is, and you'll most likely need to log a call to obtain it.


  • Looks like this will be "fixed" in 7.7 as well (via 3789905, which I never would have found without Martin's other references).

9 Replies

  • the only options that i see is to reduce the size of the change policy window by draging it from the corners or using the tab and enter.

    alternately you can use admin consle...

    let me check if changing the resolution will help not..

  • This is not the answer you're looking for, but you could use the keyboard shortcuts for those buttons:

    Alt-A for Apply (when applicable - err, no pun intended)
    Alt-C for Cancel (or right-click title bar and select "Close")
    Alt-O for OK (or <Enter> if you haven't moved the cursor off, for example, into a text field)
    Alt-H for Help

    (This may be presuming you're on Windows...if you're not, let me know and we'll see if there's an equivalent for whatever your laptop is running)

    I couldn't figure out how to shrink it, unfortunately.


  • I have this very issue logged with Engineering at the moment.  It was 'caused' by a previous code change to give a minimum size of window as if it was made too small the text became 'jumbled up'.  Unfortunatley it seems laptop users were over looked.

    There current plan is to produce an EEB for - so you will need to upgrade to that release to get it, when it becomes available - not exactly sure on timescales as the release of EEBs, the versioon they are relesaed for and when, is totally out of my control, and the current Symantec policy is to try and release EEBs for the 'latest' version - so what I've posted is the current situation, it may change.

    The EEB will either revert the previous change (but that could reintroduce a flood of complaints,), or, and this is what I have asked for, add 'slide bars' to the window so you can scroll.  Although the Engineer told me of the plan to relase an EEB, he didn't mention what the change/ fix was, so I am waiting to hear on that.

    I'll post the EEB number up when if I log into work later, or tomorrow when I am in the office.


  • Thanks Martin.  I did download and install Java and it still does the same thing.  If you get that EEB info, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • The EEB is 3797294

    The change was made in 7.6.1, so no later version will (currently at least) work.

    The fix in the EEB is 'in support of the 1024 x 768 resolution - so this should be fine for you.

    EEB is not yet available, I'll update on here when it is, and you'll most likely need to log a call to obtain it.


  • Looks like this will be "fixed" in 7.7 as well (via 3789905, which I never would have found without Martin's other references).

  • The EEB is released for the case I have.  Eng have asked me to test it so I am hoping to do that tomorrow.


  • It does work but it checks to see if NBU is running and checks the version.  I obviously don't run server or client on my laptop, so I copied the entire bin directory and put it on my laptop then the EEB installed and it does work.  I can resize the bottom of the screen now.  Thanks Martin.

  • Ahh, thank you, you saved me a job there ....

    Yes, I was going to mention about the installer - two options I guess, either 'fake' the version.txt file (whiuch is effectivley what you did) or extrace the files by running the EEB with -extractonly option and then just copy the file to the java dir (as per the location in the readmen file that is also extracted).