Forum Discussion

Narrybhatia's avatar
9 years ago

LTO5 tapes are backingup data with multiple retention


We have two diffrent volume pools:

1. PRICOPYPOOL - 2 Week retention

2. SECCOPYPOOL -1 Month retention

Data backed up in enviornment has 2 copies one is for 2 weeks retention and another is 1 month retention. Multiple copies are configured in same policy and are backed up at same time.

Both the copies are going on tapes.

Practically, Primary copy data (2 Weeks retention) should go to tapes assigned to PRICOPYPOOL and secondary copy data(1 Month retention) should go to SECCOPYPOOL.


However, when we check the images on tapes, there is data of both 2 weeks and 1 month retention in every tape of both the volume pools. I think that it is not possible as tapes for PRICOPYPOOL should have data only for 2 weeks retention and NOT for 1 month retention and vice versa.


We have multiplexing active in environment and option for multiple reteniton on tapes in Host Properties in Master server is unchecked.

I suspect this is  not  a policy configuration error as a single tape contains multiple retention for multiple policies

Please help asap as this is causing unexpected consumption of tapes and we are daily getting out of scratch.

  • I don't see anything wrong with your config. There should be no reason for mixed retention since volume pools with different retentions are explicitly selected. Have you double-checked all policies configured this way? Please post output of Images on Media report as per Michal's request. Tapes written report for the specific period may also help to understand.

6 Replies

  • If multiple retention is not checked, then I doubt that multiple retentions are written to same media. I guess you have tapes in both pools with both retentions, but still only one retention per tape. To fix this, you will need to override the volume pool in the Schedule tab of the policies. Select the volume pool that matches the desired retention.

    If you think the problem is with the can quickly create test policy and defined those volume pools and see how it goes...


  • Hi Marrine,

    We have configured the policies with multiple retentions and configured the same in "Mulitple copies". I am attaching screenshots please let me know if there is anything to done.


    Multiple policies retention levels are configured. 

  • Hello,


    please attach the appropriate screenshot/report supporting your finding:

    "However, when we check the images on tapes, there is data of both 2 weeks and 1 month retention in every tape of both the volume pools."




  • Michal,

    We have dual copy environment. We have to backed up both the copies of the backup at the same time. This is the configuration of all of our policies. 

    Please let us know what more information is required?

  • I don't see anything wrong with your config. There should be no reason for mixed retention since volume pools with different retentions are explicitly selected. Have you double-checked all policies configured this way? Please post output of Images on Media report as per Michal's request. Tapes written report for the specific period may also help to understand.