Forum Discussion

cynthiapinto's avatar
11 years ago

Media id is not assigned to this host in EMM database


I am trying to import a tape from catalog backup &  I get the error message as media id is not assigned to this host in EMM database (95).


This  backup was taken in 2011  &  I could not find the tape entry in database . Need to restore the data from this tape .


When I run below command I  get the  error message as 

nbemcmd -listmedia -mediaid F361L3


The function returned the following failure status:

Volume does not exist in database (35)

Command did not complete sucessfully.

Can anyone help to solve this ??

  • please look at the image in STEP 3 in this article

    Make sure your search dates criteria matches the images date, you can probably put 2010 till 2014 or may be 2000 till 2014 as that will not harm. It shoud be able to find the images depending how old the images are.

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