Forum Discussion

Sid1987's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

Unable to delete assigned medias

Hi Guys,


 I have deleted media contents through bpexpdate -m XXX -d 0 force.

Still I am unable to delete media from Netbackup, as it says its an assigned media.


It has no valid images as when i do a bpimmedia for that media id it says "no entity found".

Why is this media still assigned, I want to delete it.


Also there is a catalog backup which is i guess a cold catalogue backup, How can I stop it as my hot catalog backup is running fine.


Please suggest




5 Replies

  • <right-click> catalog in GUI. "Configure offline NetBackup Catalog Backup..." -> Schedule Tab -> "Only when manually initiated". You may also want to clear down the media entries within the Attributes tab also?

  • Anonymous's avatar

    See what shows up when you 

    vmquery -m <mediaID> -X

    For example here is 2 different tapes: 1 assigned, 1 unassigned.

    Further check the status field. This isnt the gotcha with it being a Catalog tape?

    Is their maximum mounts for media set.? Expiration date passed for the actual mediaID?


    noddy> vmquery -m BVT456 -X
    flags:                 0x1
    media ID:              BVT456
    media ID partner:      ------
    media type:            1/2" cartridge tape 2 (14)
    barcode:               BVT456
    barcode partner:       --------
    media description:     ---
    robot type:            NONE - Not Robotic (0)
    robot number:          0
    robot control host:    ------
    reserved_res:          -
    volume group:          ---
    coord1:                0
    coord2:                0
    coord3:                0
    coord4:                0
    coord5:                0
    user:                  root
    group:                 root
    pool:                  5
    pool name:             Daily
    previous pool name:    Scratch
    version:               50
    created:               Thu Apr  5 20:39:14 2012
    assigned:              Sat Apr 21 15:03:41 2012
    first mount:           Sat Apr 21 15:04:44 2012
    last mounted:          Mon Jul 23 15:01:13 2012
    expiration:            -
    cleanings left:        -1
    number of mounts:      61
    max mounts allowed:    0
    status:                0x0
    vault name:            -
    date sent to vault:    -
    vault return date:     -
    vault slot:            -
    vault session id:      -
    vault flags:           -
    vault container id:    -
    reserved2:             -
    ADAMM GUID:            00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    volume GUID:           00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    reserved5:             -
    reserved6:             -
    reserved7:             -
    reserved8:             -
    noddy:> vmquery -m BVT465 -X
    flags:                 0x1
    media ID:              BVT465
    media ID partner:      ------
    media type:            1/2" cartridge tape 2 (14)
    barcode:               BVT465
    barcode partner:       --------
    media description:     ---
    robot type:            TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
    robot number:          1
    robot control host:    noddy
    reserved_res:          -
    volume group:          000_00001_TLD
    coord1:                42
    coord2:                0
    coord3:                0
    coord4:                0
    coord5:                0
    user:                  root
    group:                 root
    pool:                  7
    pool name:             Scratch
    previous pool name:    Weekly
    version:               50
    created:               Thu Apr  5 20:39:14 2012
    assigned:              -
    first mount:           Sat May  5 08:01:05 2012
    last mounted:          Sun Jul  1 07:01:13 2012
    expiration:            -
    cleanings left:        -1
    number of mounts:      28
    max mounts allowed:    0
    status:                0x0
    vault name:            -
    date sent to vault:    -
    vault return date:     -
    vault slot:            -
    vault session id:      -
    vault flags:           -
    vault container id:    -
    reserved2:             -
    ADAMM GUID:            00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    volume GUID:           00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    reserved5:             -
    reserved6:             -
    reserved7:             -
    reserved8:             -
  • Hi Stuart,


      This is what it says with vmquery -m -X

    bash-2.05$ sudo /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/vmquery -m TCR102 -X
    flags:                 0x1
    media ID:              TCR102
    media ID partner:      ------
    media type:            1/2" cartridge tape 3 (24)
    barcode:               TCR102
    barcode partner:       --------
    media description:     Added by Media Manager
    robot type:            TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
    robot number:          3
    robot control host:    tcbumpr2
    reserved_res:          -
    volume group:          000_00003_TLD
    coord1:                103
    coord2:                0
    coord3:                0
    coord4:                0
    coord5:                0
    user:                  root
    group:                 root
    pool:                  1
    pool name:             NetBackup
    previous pool name:    -
    version:               50
    created:               Thu Mar 24 10:09:11 2011
    assigned:              Wed Jul  6 16:49:03 2011
    first mount:           Sat Mar 26 06:59:33 2011
    last mounted:          Thu Jun 21 07:03:44 2012
    expiration:            -
    cleanings left:        -1
    number of mounts:      331
    max mounts allowed:    0
    status:                0x1
    vault name:            -
    date sent to vault:    -
    vault return date:     -
    vault slot:            -
    vault session id:      -
    vault flags:           -
    vault container id:    -
    reserved2:             -
    ADAMM GUID:            00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    volume GUID:           00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    reserved5:             -
    reserved6:             -
    reserved7:             -
    reserved8:             -




  • That's definately still assigned from the output you've provided.  When you run the bpexpdate command did it return a successful looking status?

    First check what server the tape is assigned to with the following ( check the line "Server Host = xxxxx" )

    bpmedialist -ev TCR102

    Then try the following synax with the media server that the tape is assigned to after -host:

    bpexpdate -m TCR102 -d 0 -host {media server} -justmedia

    Feel free to add -force too if that doesn't work.