See what shows up when you
vmquery -m <mediaID> -X
For example here is 2 different tapes: 1 assigned, 1 unassigned.
Further check the status field. This isnt the gotcha with it being a Catalog tape?
Is their maximum mounts for media set.? Expiration date passed for the actual mediaID?
noddy> vmquery -m BVT456 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: BVT456
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 2 (14)
barcode: BVT456
barcode partner: --------
media description: ---
robot type: NONE - Not Robotic (0)
robot number: 0
robot control host: ------
reserved_res: -
volume group: ---
coord1: 0
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 5
pool name: Daily
previous pool name: Scratch
version: 50
created: Thu Apr 5 20:39:14 2012
assigned: Sat Apr 21 15:03:41 2012
first mount: Sat Apr 21 15:04:44 2012
last mounted: Mon Jul 23 15:01:13 2012
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 61
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -
noddy:> vmquery -m BVT465 -X
flags: 0x1
media ID: BVT465
media ID partner: ------
media type: 1/2" cartridge tape 2 (14)
barcode: BVT465
barcode partner: --------
media description: ---
robot type: TLD - Tape Library DLT (8)
robot number: 1
robot control host: noddy
reserved_res: -
volume group: 000_00001_TLD
coord1: 42
coord2: 0
coord3: 0
coord4: 0
coord5: 0
user: root
group: root
pool: 7
pool name: Scratch
previous pool name: Weekly
version: 50
created: Thu Apr 5 20:39:14 2012
assigned: -
first mount: Sat May 5 08:01:05 2012
last mounted: Sun Jul 1 07:01:13 2012
expiration: -
cleanings left: -1
number of mounts: 28
max mounts allowed: 0
status: 0x0
vault name: -
date sent to vault: -
vault return date: -
vault slot: -
vault session id: -
vault flags: -
vault container id: -
reserved2: -
ADAMM GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
volume GUID: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
reserved5: -
reserved6: -
reserved7: -
reserved8: -