Forum Discussion

Alexander_Harri's avatar
11 years ago

Phase 1 import question

Hello, How long does Netbackup keep the data from a phase 1 import? Is there a way to change that? We're trying to import some images from LTO6 tape and it's taking a long time. We're finding t...
  • StefanosM's avatar
    11 years ago

    The retention after a phase one import is one week. You can change it using the bpexpdate command.

    The retention after the phase two import is the original backup retention counting from the day of the import finishes.


  • Marianne's avatar
    11 years ago

    Create NOexpire touchfile:

    # touch /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/NOexpire on the master server.


    Remember to remove the file once phase 2 imports are done.

  • mph999's avatar
    11 years ago

    Be careful with this 


    "The retention after the phase two import is the original backup retention counting from the day of the import finishes."

    It is the original retention level - if that level on the importing environment is different that the orginal, the experion period will be different.


    If retention level is 11 on on origanal system this is 3 years, but on importing system level 11 is 1 day, guess what will happen ...