MS-Exchange 2007 restore error
Kindly note we are trying to restore MS-exchange 2007 deleted mail account the needed data is from 2013 to 2015, our mail exhcange admin have re-created the account and we've tried to run the restore and we got many errors please check sample of the errors below:
WRN - MBOX:OpenCurMbox can't find e-mail addr firstname.lastname [firstname.lastname]
ERR - unable to create object for restore: Microsoft Exchange Mailboxes:\firstname.lastname [firstname.lastname]\Top of Information Store\Inbox\new.xls <00000000A3DCB1CA8CC61D4097548AE07B537F2E07005CEAD6DD0F890C42830BBB0EFD5553E100000008105D000081B3B76965A3C8419BC71A554F6E7190000CFC4BBBB60000> (BEDS 0xE0008488: Access is denied.)
Look in the NetBackup\logs\BEDS folder on the client (Exchange server) for a log with nbremsrv or similar in its name. The module nbremsrv.exe is a 32-bit app that NetBackup uses to make MAPI calls.
When you find this log, do the logons succeed? There are two levels of logon. Nbremsrv intializes MAPI as the account under which it's running. Then it logs onto the account of the target user.
You can test this connectivity outside of NetBackup, with tools from Microsoft, such as Test-MAPIConnectivity and MFCMAPI.
Possible reasons for the logon to fail:
- The NetBackup account lacks permission.
- The NetBackup account doesn't have an associated mailbox.
- The Exchange configuration of the target account blocks it.
- It's true that the target account doesn't exist.
- CDO MAPI is not installed on the Exchange server.
- Outlook (or other mail program that preempts CDO MAPI) is installed on the Exchange server.Other readers note: the foregoing applies only to Exchange 2007. NetBackup does not use MAPI with later versions of Exchange. Also, Outlook does not interfere with NetBackup GRT for later versions of Exchange.
What version of NetBackup are you running?
ok. i only did this once, a long time ago, and one thing you should've have done is create a fresh AD account for the deleted user. because doing so it would use a new SID number. your admins should've first restored the deleted AD account, then restored the mailbox (inplace or redirected restore).