Forum Discussion

ChrisDUK's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

MSDP Data migration

Hello all,

I currently have an issue where a media server (Windows, MSDP, is running slow due to the link between the master and media servers.  

What I would like to do is migrate all the backup data from this media to the master which is also another media server so that I can then rebuild the original media server as it's own netbackup domain master/medi server. 

Is this possible and what would be the best way to go about this?



  • Hi Chris,


    I think the 2nd last line there might be the issue. Is this diskpool setup to replicate to another using AIR?


    Like i said I don't have anything to test with but maybe start looking there....

20 Replies

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  • I had only setup the destination import, but have now setup both ends and tested successfully.  Running the command again still shows same error...

  • I can't test, don't have enough resources. Can you post all your outputs here. Maybe we find something.

  • Riaan, appreciate your help on this so far!  Would you please explain what you mean by outputs?

  • Here we go....

    D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbreplicate -backupid ldl03b008_
    1410915704 -cn 1 -rcn 1 -slp_name LD_MOVE -target_sts ldl04s041.LD.DOM -target_u
    ser --------- -target_pwd ---------
    INF - Suspend window close behavior is not supported for nbreplicate
    INF - window close behavior: Continue processing the current image
    INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:151 EMM server set to uk001s120
    INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:174 Master server set to uk001s120
    INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:256 Connecting to DiskServiceMgr on uk001s120
    INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:51 Using dsmlib private orb
    INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:264 Connecting to NBDSMFSM using orb 0000000002DC4670
    INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:330 Registerd Framework OBV factories with orb 0000000
    INF - .\dsmlib_common.cpp:338 Registerd DiskServiceMgr OBV factories with orb 00
    Skipping backup id ldl03b008_1410915704, fragments exist on media which does not
     support replication

    19/09/2014 15:11:55 - begin Duplicate to remote master
    19/09/2014 15:11:55 - skipping backup id ldl03b008_1410915704
    unable to process request(228)


  • Hi Chris,


    Can you show me the output of


    nbdevquery -listdv -dp LD-HC1 -stype PureDisk -U



  • Disk Pool Name      : LD-HC1
    Disk Type           : PureDisk
    Disk Volume Name    : PureDiskVolume
    Disk Media ID       : @aaaai
    Total Capacity (GB) : 1311.85
    Free Space (GB)     : 460.60
    Use%                : 64
    Status              : UP
    Flag                : ReadOnWrite
    Flag                : AdminUp
    Flag                : InternalUp
    Num Read Mounts     : 0
    Num Write Mounts    : 1
    Cur Read Streams    : 0
    Cur Write Streams   : 0
    Num Repl Sources    : 0
    Num Repl Targets    : 0

  • Hi Chris,


    I think the 2nd last line there might be the issue. Is this diskpool setup to replicate to another using AIR?


    Like i said I don't have anything to test with but maybe start looking there....