Forum Discussion

Marianne's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

NBAC in VCS cluster using NBU 7.0.1

Hi All

I'm trying to configure nbac on a clustered master server.

Solaris 10 Clustered master server
SF/HA 5.1
NBU 7.0.1

I have downloaded ALL the documentation from

Trying to find out HOW TO cluster nbac is almost impossible - one would think that the HA and/or VCS Guides on this URL contains all necessary info.

Not so....

Expecting to find instructions under these topics:

Installing and configuring access control on an NBU 7.0 clustered or HA (High Availability) master server

You can install and configure access control on a clustered master server.

Use the following procedure to install and configure access control on a clustered master server.

1. Log on to the primary cluster node and bring online the NetBackup, Authentication, and Authorization resources group in this node. All the resources should be online in the same cluster node.
2. For cluster‘s that support dependency between resources, provide a hard dependency between the Authentication and NetBackup resource group. The NetBackup resource should come online only when the Authentication and Authorization services are online.


S-O-O   - according to this, there should be an existing nbac cluster service group.... HOW???

In one of these manuals, I find a reference to ICS_Installation_Guide that contains instructions how to cluster AT & AZ.

The hunt begins for ICS_Installation_Guide.... Long story short - it's on the 7.0 install media.

I went through all the requirements - Diskgroup, volume, virtual hostname and IP.

Then, p.74:
Making AT highly available in VCS on UNIX
You can make AT highly available in VCS on UNIX platform using the script and VxATclinput.txt input file.
VxATclinput.txt needs to be edited before running the script.

NOTE: Download the latest configuration script and input file from Replace the ones that already exist in the /opt/VRTSat/bin directory.

Trying to download these files: The above URL redirects you back here (where we started):

 NO UNIX scripts - only links to Windows scripts....

PLEASE - if there's anybody out there that has managed to install/cluster/configure NBAC on a clustered master server, I'd like to have a chat.....

  • 4 hours on the phone and webex with the BEST engineer in the UK...

    We eventually had to completely uninstall, cleanup remaining files/folders, and reinstall AT and AZ.

    Long story short - the mount points for nbat and nbaz MUST be as in the templates:

    Anything other than this cause the databases to be copied to the folders above and not to the mount points.

    These lines in the templates also had to be changed to 'y':

    Other than this, rsh is required not only for the remote host, but also for the local host itself where the configuration is done. So, on v240-2, where I was doing the config, I had to add a 'v240-2' entry to .rhosts.

    bpnbaz -setupsecurity was executed once and completed successfully (no need for FQDN!):

    root@v240-2 # bpnbaz -setupsecurity nbuclus -server nbaz
    There must be at least one Security Administrator other than
    root/Administrator. Enter the userid and login information
    for that Security Administrator. The specified userid will
    be added to the Security Administrator Group (NBU_Security Admin)
     and to the Administrator Group (NBU_Admin).
    Authentication Broker: nbat
    Authentication port[ Enter = default]:
    Authentication type (NIS, NIS+, WINDOWS, vx, unixpwd): unixpwd
    Domain: nbat
    Login Name: root
    Password: <OS passwd>
    Processing - please be patient
    Operation completed successfully.

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