Forum Discussion

Sacha_Brown's avatar
14 years ago

NBU 7.1 Catalog Restore



I recently took a catalog backup of NBU 7.1 on the Master server onto disk. The previous installation had Server 2003 32 bit and I reinstalled Server 2008 64 bit on the new server. I installed NBU 7.1 on new master server and media server, but I'm concerned that maybe I missed a step with the Media server. When a catalog backup is taken on the Master server does it backup the Media server configurations also? Or is a separate Catalog backup required for the media server. Also, when restoring Catalog, both master and media server has to be up and running?


Next Question:

When I reinstalled NBU on the new master server and wizard came up to configure devices. Do i go through the wizard steps or cancel it and recover the catalog first?


The is my first encounter with NBU so I really need this info. From my reading I didnt come across info on whether a separate Catalog backup has to be taken for media server.



  • All the Media server config info is included in the Master's EMM database and is therefore included in the catalog backup.

    If the catalog backup was done to disk on the Master server, there is no need for the media server to be online. No harm if it is online, just restart services after catalog backup is done.
    You will have to verify device config after the restore - during the OS upgrade/migration the device addresses might have changed. You will probably have to delete the devices and rescan.

    Do not run the device config wizard after installation.

    Hopefully you have the dr-file info that is emailed at the end of the catalog backup? The email contains detailed info of catalog recovery steps.


8 Replies

  • All the Media server config info is included in the Master's EMM database and is therefore included in the catalog backup.

    If the catalog backup was done to disk on the Master server, there is no need for the media server to be online. No harm if it is online, just restart services after catalog backup is done.
    You will have to verify device config after the restore - during the OS upgrade/migration the device addresses might have changed. You will probably have to delete the devices and rescan.

    Do not run the device config wizard after installation.

    Hopefully you have the dr-file info that is emailed at the end of the catalog backup? The email contains detailed info of catalog recovery steps.


  • Thank You Marianne. :) I feel much better now. I'm going to perform the restore today. I have the DR file safe and will use that to restore the catalog. I would prefer to restore with both master and media online. Wish me luck. Will give feedback to let you know how it goes. Thanks Again.

  • I tired the catalog restore and got the error EMM interface initialization failed, status =334. I cannot connect to the Devices on the Media Server. Apparently the NBDB was not restored.


    Help Please!!

  • Try to stop and restart all NBU services on the master and on the media server.

    Open cmd (remember to Run as Administrator), cd to <install-path>\veritas\netbackup\bin
    Run bpdown, wait for all servoces to stop, then use Service manager to stop/start Symantec Private Branch Exchange, then go back to cmd and start NBU services with: bpup -v

    Do the same on the media server.

    If you are still experiencing problems, have a look at this TN:

    Else - please open a severity 2 support call.


    **** EDIT****

    Something else to look at before logging a call:

  • I forgot to mention the catalog restore failed to restore the EMM since and error about NBDB not found. I did make a copy of it from both master and media server and stored it on a separate disk. I am going to try the catalog restore once more and try the steps you told me to try. If it doesnt work I'll have to call support.


    I hope this is not a critical issue. :(


    What i noticed with the copy i made of the 7.1 installation was the staging folder in the NetbackupDB folder in the master server was empty. Any reason why this is so?

  • One more thing..does the Media server need shared permissions to the master in order for the catalog to be restored? Is there a command to run for both to communicate?

  • Can we just take a step back - I was assuming that you were following steps in TN right?

    The "error about NBDB not found" makes me wonder if the installation path on your new server is identical to the old server?

    The is no communication with the media server during catalog recovery. After recovery is done, all services on media server needs to be restarted to re-establish comms with master via port 1556 for device config info. No shared permission required.

    About the NetBackup relational database (NBDB), please see chapters 18 & 19 of   NetBackup Administrator's Guide for Windows, Volume I

    Detailed info on p.667 of how media server obtains its own device config from the master.

  • After going through the paths i realized that the EMM Database was sent to the staging folder in the NetbackupDB folder instead of the Data folder. I saw a post where a guy had the same issue.

    i tried this link below:

    No luck.


    The path for restore is the same as the old server. I followed all the steps but it doesnt seem to work. I made a support call to symantec. They will call next 2 hours. Not sure what to do anymore.