Forum Discussion

redliquid's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago


i was a master server,nbu version is netbackup 7.5
a file of client a was backuped to master server
client b restored this file
The master server was indicate:
09/15/2013 23:25:28 - begin Restore
09/15/2013 23:25:28 - number of images required: 1
09/15/2013 23:25:28 - media needed: 0003L3
09/15/2013 23:25:33 - restoring from image ora10_1379257043
09/15/2013 23:25:38 - requesting resource 0003L3
09/15/2013 23:25:38 - granted resource  0003L3
09/15/2013 23:25:38 - granted resource  HP.ULTRIUM3-SCSI.003
09/15/2013 23:25:40 - restored from image ora10_1379257043; restore time: 0:00:07
09/15/2013 23:25:41 - Warning bprd (pid=4543) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on Sun 29 Sep 2013 10:57:23 PM CST
09/15/2013 23:25:41 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:13
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - Info bpbrm (pid=10133) oratest is the host to restore to
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - Info bpbrm (pid=10133) telling media manager to start restore on client
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - Info bpbrm (pid=10133) spawning a brm child process
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - Info bpbrm (pid=10133) child pid: 10140
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - connecting
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - Info bpbrm (pid=10140) start tar on client
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - Info tar (pid=10142) Restore started.
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - mounted 0003L3
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - Info bptm (pid=10135) 0003L3
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - Info bptm (pid=10135) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id 0003L3 on server oratest for reading.
09/16/2013 23:26:47 - positioning 0003L3 to file 8
09/16/2013 23:26:48 - positioned 0003L3; position time: 0:00:01
09/16/2013 23:26:48 - begin reading
09/16/2013 23:26:50 - Info tar (pid=10142) done. status: 0
09/16/2013 23:26:50 - end reading; read time: 0:00:02
09/16/2013 23:26:50 - Info tar (pid=10142) done. status: 0 - the requested operation was successfully completed
09/16/2013 23:26:50 - Info bpbrm (pid=10133) media manager for backup id ora10_1379257043 exited with status 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
the requested operation was partially successful  (1)
my restore command is :
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bprestore /oracle/nbu.copy.controlfile.ctl -C ora10 -D oratest
backup command is :
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpbackup -L /oracle/nbubakfile.log /oracle/nbu.copy.controlf
  • What is the question? Do you want to know why it was only partially successful?

    If so, create tar log on the destination client, re-run the restore and post up the tar log.

8 Replies

  • What is the question? Do you want to know why it was only partially successful?

    If so, create tar log on the destination client, re-run the restore and post up the tar log.

  • Please show us your command that includes -L option.

    Remember to create log folders if you want to troubleshoot status 1.

    Most important is tar log folder on the client.

    Best to have all of these log folders to troubleshoot restores:

    On master: bprd (NBU needs to be restarted to enable this log)

    On media server: bpbrm and bptm

    On client: bpcd and tar

  • Really strange, today I try, it is normal.

  • You have not showed us anything to work with or to troubleshoot.

    You probably made a typo error previously which caused it to fail, right?

    Glad you got it to work!

  • bpbackup and bprestore are not always the easiest commands - normally it's just a matter of trial and error to figure it out. Even us 'old folks' get it wrong because we don't use cmd every day.

    You may have added -L initially to the end of the command which won't work, as the file list must always be the last option on cmd. We won't know because you did not share the command that did not work. The commands in your screenshots are perfectly fine and working.