Forum Discussion

Spartacus81's avatar
12 years ago

NBU Drives are unusable


i have media server running suse 11 64bit 

rdx-gfihkg:~ # uname -a
Linux rdx-gfihkg #1 SMP 2009-02-09 15:38:31 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


and ML6000 library attached to it.. robtest is working fine, library functioning okay, storage device configuraiton wizard seeing 2 tape drives and 1 robot but doesnt configure it.. getting the following... state unusable and if click on properties to enable them that checkbox is disabled? any idea.

i have found the following thread and technote; followed all that but no joy.. there are no compatibility issue for sure i have checked all that, no problems with the SCSI card as well.. any idea/suggestion will highly be appreciated..


  • upgrading to 6.5.5 does the magic. all working now. Thank you all for your comments.

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