Forum Discussion

Inventino's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

NBU8 error unimplemented error code (114)

I found the backup failed with unimplemented error code  (114).


1. NBU 8.0 master is appliance

2. Backup to SQL 2012 Server with Windows 2012R2  -> this server is Virtual machine on VMware 5.5



1. Backup SQL intelligent policy ->  pass

2. Backup VM policy with GRT SQL  -> failed 

3. Backup VM policy with no GRT SQL -> pass


Error: (2. Backup VM policy with GRT SQL)

ay 26, 2017 4:12:19 PM - estimated 0 kbytes needed
May 26, 2017 4:12:19 PM - begin Parent Job
May 26, 2017 4:12:19 PM - begin Application State Capture: Step By Condition
Operation Status: 0
May 26, 2017 4:12:19 PM - end Application State Capture: Step By Condition; elapsed time 0:00:00
May 26, 2017 4:12:21 PM - Info ascc (pid=159842) MSSQL: Processing SQL Server instance: MSSQLSERVER
May 26, 2017 4:12:21 PM - Warning ascc (pid=159842) MSSQL: Failed to obtain databases for instance: MSSQLSERVER.
.Failed to execute the sql statement: with fs as (select database_id, type, CAST ( size as BIGINT ) * 8 / 1024 size from [master].[sys].[master_files]) select, db.database_id, db.recovery_model_desc, db.state_desc, db.is_in_standby, (SELECT SUM ( CAST ( size as BIGINT ) ) from fs where fs.database_id = db.database_id) DBSizeMB, as ag_name, ag_rep_states.role_desc, ag_rep_states.operational_state_desc, ag_rep.secondary_role_allow_connections_desc, ls.primary_id, ag.group_id from [master].[sys].[databases] db LEFT OUTER JOIN [master].[sys].[availability_databases_cluster] dbc ON db.group_database_id = dbc.group_database_id LEFT OUTER JOIN [master].[sys].[availability_groups] ag ON dbc.group_id = ag.group_id LEFT OUTER JOIN [master].[sys].[dm_hadr_availability_replica_states] ag_rep_states ON db.replica_id = ag_rep_states.replica_id LEFT OUTER JOIN [master].[sys].[availability_replicas] ag_rep ON db.replica_id = ag_rep.replica_id LEFT OUTER JOIN [msdb].[dbo].[log_shipping_monitor_primary] ls ON = ls.primary_database WHERE source_database_id is NULL.
.ODBC Error Code: -1
.Diagnostic Records: 2
. Native Error Code: 229
. State Code: 42000
. Error Msg: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'log_shipping_monitor_primary', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'.
. Native Error Code: 16945
. State Code: 42000
. Error Msg: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The cursor was not declared.
May 26, 2017 4:12:21 PM - Critical ascc (pid=159842) MSSQL: MSSQL application state capture failed
Operation Status: 114
May 26, 2017 4:12:21 PM - end Parent Job; elapsed time 0:00:02
Operation Status: 114
unimplemented error code (114)



Do you have any suggest?

  • Hello

    On which credentials are running NBU client services in this guest? Looks like some rights are missing:

    Error Msg: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'log_shipping_monitor_primary', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'.


  • Hello, I've fixed this issue by add logon account for the NetBackup Client Service and the NetBackup Legacy Network Service same as SQL credential user

4 Replies

  • Hello

    On which credentials are running NBU client services in this guest? Looks like some rights are missing:

    Error Msg: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'log_shipping_monitor_primary', database 'msdb', schema 'dbo'.


    • Inventino's avatar
      Level 4

      Q: On which credentials are running NBU client services in this guest?
      A: default credential on nbu client service.
      I didn't add any user credential due to I already register SQL instance to "Applications" > "Microsoft SQL Server "node of the NetBackup Administration

      Does i need to add credential on nbu client?
      • SheltonQ's avatar
        Level 4

        Hello Invento - Could you check you have  enabled "sysadmin" & security permission for the backup user ID you're using on SSMS( SQL server management Studio).

        if its not enabled , please enable and rerun the backups.

  • Hello, I've fixed this issue by add logon account for the NetBackup Client Service and the NetBackup Legacy Network Service same as SQL credential user