Forum Discussion

Hemant_123's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

NDMP Restore operation getting failed while restoring at original location

Hi ,


Currently I am using netbackup 7.5 version . 


My problem is that , I took backup successfully but when I use option (restore to its orginal location ) in restore then my restore opration fails.



08/13/2013 03:49:50 - begin Restore
08/13/2013 03:49:50 - restoring from image
08/13/2013 03:50:05 - Info bprd (pid=16219) Restoring from copy 1 of image created Tue Aug 13 03:45:34 2013
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - Info bpbrm (pid=16237) is the host to restore to
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - Info bpbrm (pid=16237) reading file list from client
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - connecting
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - Info bpbrm (pid=16237) starting bptm
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - Info ndmpagent (pid=16243) Restore started
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - Info bpbrm (pid=16237) bptm pid: 16244
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - Info bptm (pid=16244) start
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - started process bptm (pid=16244)
08/13/2013 03:50:06 - Info bpdm (pid=16244) reading backup image
08/13/2013 03:50:07 - begin reading
08/13/2013 03:50:07 - Info ndmpagent (pid=16243) INF - Restoring NDMP files from /rb1
08/13/2013 03:50:07 - Info ndmpagent (pid=16243) Attempting normal restore.
08/13/2013 03:50:07 - Critical bpbrm (pid=16237) unexpected termination of client
08/13/2013 03:50:07 - Info bptm (pid=16244) EXITING with status 5 <----------
08/13/2013 03:50:08 - Info ndmpagent (pid=16243) done. status: 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
08/13/2013 03:50:08 - Error bpbrm (pid=16237) client restore EXIT STATUS 5: the restore failed to recover the requested files
08/13/2013 03:50:08 - restored from image; restore time: 0:00:18
08/13/2013 03:50:08 - end Restore; elapsed time 0:00:18
NDMP policy restore error  (2813)
-bash-3.2$ ls /panfs/REALM41/restore/
it's perfectly works when I restore it other location .
I need help on this.
Thanks in Advance ,

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