Forum Discussion

Nerdling's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

NDMP Restore

Hi Guys,


Having trouble running a restore for an NDMP attached SAN.

Backups appear to be completing correctly.

I open the BAR application.

File -> Specify Netbackup Machines and Policy Type...

Server to use for Backups and restores: MAST_BK1

Source client for restores (or virtual client for backups): SAN_1

Destination client for restores: SAN_1

Policy type for restores: NDMP

I click OK then Select for Restore

A message appears 'WARNING: server (MAST_BK1) does not contain any backups for client (SAN_1) using the specified policy type (NDMP) as requested by client (MAST_BK1)'.

I figure I'm missing somthing in configuring the BAR...


10 Replies

  • please show us your policy configuration and imagelist 

    bppllist <policyname> -U

    bpcatlist -client SAN_1

    bpimagelist -client SAN_1 -hoursago 240

  • Had this happen just recently. Make sure capitalization is exact. ( SAN_1 is not the same as San_1 )
  • Hi Guys,


    thanks for your comments and my appologies for my slow responce.


    wr, I made sure of the case sensitivity of the entries, thanks.



    here is the out put from thoes commands:

    C:\Documents and Settings\adm.MarkW>bppllist HO-SAN-1 -U

    Policy Name:       HO-SAN-1

      Policy Type:         NDMP
      Active:              yes
      Effective date:      06/22/2008 17:00:47
      Mult. Data Streams:  no
      Client Encrypt:      no
      Checkpoint:          no
      Policy Priority:     0
      Max Jobs/Policy:     Unlimited
      Disaster Recovery:   0
      Collect BMR info:    no
      Residence:           HO-MSL6000-HCART3-Group
      Volume Pool:         NDMP
      Server Group:        *ANY*
      Keyword:             (none specified)
      Data Classification:       -
      Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:    no
      Application Discovery:      no
      Discovery Lifetime:      0 seconds

      Granular Restore Info:  no
      Ignore Client Direct:  no
      HW/OS/Client:  NDMP          NDMP          ho1sn01.domain.hosted

      Include:  /vol/Media

      Schedule:          Weekly_Full
        Type:            Full Backup
        Maximum MPX:     1
        Synthetic:       0
        PFI Recovery:    0
        Retention Level: 10 (5 weeks)
        Number Copies:   1
        Fail on Error:   0
        Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
        Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
        Server Group:    (same as specified for policy)
        Calendar sched: Enabled
          Saturday, Week 2
          Saturday, Week 3
          Saturday, Week 4
          Saturday, Week 5
        Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:     0
        Daily Windows:
              Saturday   00:10:00  -->  Sunday     22:20:00

      Schedule:          Dup_Retain_7_Years
        Type:            Full Backup
        Maximum MPX:     1
        Synthetic:       0
        PFI Recovery:    0
        Retention Level: 9 (infinity)
        Number Copies:   1
        Fail on Error:   0
        Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
        Volume Pool:     OffsiteAG
        Server Group:    (same as specified for policy)
        Calendar sched: Enabled
          Saturday, Week 1
          EXCLUDE DATE 0 - 07/03/2010
        Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:     0
        Daily Windows:
              Friday     21:00:00  -->  Sunday     00:00:00

      Schedule:          Daily_Diff
        Type:            Cumulative Incremental Backup
        Maximum MPX:     1
        Synthetic:       0
        PFI Recovery:    0
        Retention Level: 1 (2 weeks)
        Number Copies:   1
        Fail on Error:   0
        Residence:       (specific storage unit not required)
        Volume Pool:     (same as policy volume pool)
        Server Group:    (same as specified for policy)
        Calendar sched: Enabled
          Allowed to retry after run day
          Monday, Week 1
          Tuesday, Week 1
          Wednesday, Week 1
          Thursday, Week 1
          Monday, Week 2
          Tuesday, Week 2
          Wednesday, Week 2
          Thursday, Week 2
          Monday, Week 3
          Tuesday, Week 3
          Wednesday, Week 3
          Thursday, Week 3
          Monday, Week 4
          Tuesday, Week 4
          Wednesday, Week 4
          Thursday, Week 4
          Monday, Week 5
          Tuesday, Week 5
          Wednesday, Week 5
          Thursday, Week 5
        Residence is Storage Lifecycle Policy:     0
        Daily Windows:
              Monday     19:20:00  -->  Tuesday    06:10:00
              Tuesday    19:20:00  -->  Wednesday  06:10:00
              Wednesday  19:20:00  -->  Thursday   06:10:00
              Thursday   19:20:00  -->  Friday     06:10:00


    C:\Documents and Settings\adm.MarkW>bpcatlist -client ho1sn01.domain.hosted

    Backupid                          Backup Date            Files    Size  Sched   Policy      Catarcid S C Files file
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1364207940  Mar 25 21:39:00 2013 1540758   48.0G  Daily_Diff HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1364207940_INCR.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1363854001  Mar 21 19:20:01 2013 1578235   60.0G  Daily_Diff HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1363854001_INCR.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1363771485  Mar 20 20:24:45 2013 1548387   56.0G  Daily_Diff HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1363771485_INCR.f

    Backupid                          Backup Date            Files    Size  Sched    Policy      Catarcid S C Files file
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1363104730  Mar 13 03:12:10 2013 2807661    1.0T  Weekly_Full HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1363104730_FULL.f

    Backupid                          Backup Date            Files    Size  Sched           Policy      Catarcid S C Files file
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1359723606  Feb 02 00:00:06 2013 2756720    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1359723606_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1354302081  Dec 01 06:01:21 2012 2672129    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1354302081_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1352085715  Nov 05 14:21:55 2012 2578402    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1352085715_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1350091533  Oct 13 12:25:33 2012 2553261    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1350091533_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1346763311  Sep 04 22:55:11 2012 3021860    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1346763311_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1344002406  Aug 04 00:00:06 2012 2945071    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1344002406_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1341583206  Jul 07 00:00:06 2012 2808113    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1341583206_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1338559206  Jun 02 00:00:06 2012 2747833    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1338559206_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1336140006  May 05 00:00:06 2012 2692335  983.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1336140006_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1330693206  Mar 03 00:00:06 2012 2600127  966.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1330693206_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1328566226  Feb 07 09:10:26 2012 2524577  977.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1328566226_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1322830806  Dec 03 00:00:06 2011 2505461  990.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1322830806_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1320411606  Nov 05 00:00:06 2011 4426082    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1320411606_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1315009132  Sep 03 10:18:52 2011 4345050    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1315009132_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1312959006  Aug 10 16:50:06 2011 4264799    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1312959006_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1312552806  Aug 06 00:00:06 2011 4259812    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1312552806_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1309528806  Jul 02 00:00:06 2011 4201261    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1309528806_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1307109606  Jun 04 00:00:06 2011 4144939    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1307109606_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1304690409  May 07 00:00:09 2011 4046650    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1304690409_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1301662807  Apr 02 00:00:07 2011 3934841    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1301662807_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1299243606  Mar 05 00:00:06 2011 3822300    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1299243606_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1296841380  Feb 05 04:43:00 2011 3700093    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1296841380_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1293800406  Jan 01 00:00:06 2011 3722034    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1293800406_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1291396747  Dec 04 04:19:07 2010 3600984    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1291396747_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1289161369  Nov 08 07:22:49 2010 3490992    1.0T  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1289161369_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1262364645  Jan 02 03:50:45 2010 2506254  613.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1262364645_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1261353507  Dec 21 10:58:27 2009 2477649  613.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1261353507_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1254502344  Oct 03 02:52:24 2009 2072539  458.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1254502344_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1249056000  Aug 01 02:00:00 2009 3400671  391.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1249056000_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1246636801  Jul 04 02:00:01 2009 3204047  400.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1246636801_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1244217600  Jun 06 02:00:00 2009 2846197  346.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1244217600_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1241193600  May 02 02:00:00 2009 2419343  303.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1241193600_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1238770800  Apr 04 02:00:00 2009 2206369  267.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1238770800_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1236351600  Mar 07 02:00:00 2009 1915607  236.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1236351600_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1233932401  Feb 07 02:00:01 2009 1595909  149.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1233932401_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1230908400  Jan 03 02:00:00 2009 1282109  220.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1230908400_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1228491268  Dec 06 02:34:28 2008 1136267  201.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1228491268_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1225465200  Nov 01 02:00:00 2008  845071  194.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1225465200_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1223049601  Oct 04 02:00:01 2008  649503  219.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1223049601_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1220616008  Sep 05 22:00:08 2008  464169  209.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1220616008_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1217746926  Aug 03 17:02:06 2008  260851  146.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1217746926_FULL.f
    ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1217592005  Aug 01 22:00:05 2008  259975  146.0G  Dup_Retain_7_Years HO-SAN-1           0 1 0 HO-SAN-1_1217592005_FULL.f


    C:\Documents and Settings\adm.MarkW>bpimagelist -client ho1sn01.domain.hosted -hoursago 240
    IMAGE ho1sn01.domain.hosted 0 0 8 ho1sn01.domain.hosted_1364207940 HO-SAN-1 19 *NULL* root Daily_Diff 4 1 1364207940 3486 1365417540 0 0 48050360 1540758 1 8 0HO-SAN-1_1364207940_INCR.f *NULL* *NULL* 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 *NULL* 130375 0 0 124443726 0 0 *NULL* *NULL* 0 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL*HISTO -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
    FRAG 1 -1 121528 0 2 20 15 KP3307 honbums.domain.hosted 262144 609142 1363858800 5 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL*
    FRAG 1 1 292864 0 2 20 8 KP3307 honbums.domain.hosted 262144 421906 1363858800 5 0 *NULL* 1365417540 0 65537 0 0 0 1 0 1364211426 0 *NULL* *NULL*
    FRAG 1 2 132096 0 2 20 9 KP3307 honbums.domain.hosted 262144 423052 1363858800 5 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL*
    FRAG 1 3 41216 0 2 20 10 KP3307 honbums.domain.hosted 262144 423570 1363858800 5 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL*
    FRAG 1 4 26020608 0 2 20 11 KP3307 honbums.domain.hosted 262144 423733 1363858800 5 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL*
    FRAG 1 5 21014784 0 2 20 12 KP3307 honbums.domain.hosted 262144 525378 1363858800 5 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL*
    FRAG 1 6 415744 0 2 20 13 KP3307 honbums.domain.hosted 262144 607469 13638588005 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL*
    FRAG 1 7 11520 0 2 20 14 KP3307 honbums.domain.hosted 262144 609095 1363858800 5 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 *NULL* *NULL*

  • Make sure you are putting the fully FQDN name of your client. Source client for restores (or virtual client for backups):ho1sn01.domain.hosted Destination client for restores: ho1sn01.domain.hosted Also make sure nslookup resolves fine from client to master and vice versa.
  • hi,

    your NAS filer name in the policy is ho1sn01.domain.hosted, so you would need to use this name for the restore..

    if SAN-1  is different then ho1sn01.domain.hosted, and you would like to do the restore to SAN-1,( like alternate client restore) you would need to provide the access privilages of SAN-1 to the netbackup and both  files should be from same vendor.

    if you are looking for both source and destination is same  just use  ho1sn01.domain.hosted for source and destinations. and start restore.

  • Hi Nagalla,

    SAN-1 was a name I originaly used in my post for ho1sn01.domain.hosted.  I checked with our security people and have been advsied I can provide the proper host name.  I have checked that the backup server and the SAN are referenced via their FQDN.  Still getting the same result.


  • Hi Sazz,


    not sure its a comms issue as (I belive) B.A.R is looking in the catalog for backups for the given host.  That said I have checked comms using NSLOOKUP and everything seems fine.



  • Hi,

     Run following command on master server

    bplist -C ho1sn01.domain.hosted -t 19 -l -R /    and confirm if it gives you the output.

    If output is there and and still you are not able to browse image in BAR GUI check the restore should be normal.



    Refer following doc for restore types:




    Let me know if it helps in resolving issue .

  • Hi Guys,


    thanks for your help so far with this, I've not been able to soend time on this for the past few weeks, hence the delay in my responce.


    Abhishek, I ran the command as you instructed and the output was a directory listing from the root of HO1SN01.  As per the link, I have checked the master server, restore server, target server and policy type and every thing is correct.

    I ran a test, on another NBU server that we have, running the same version of NBU ( on a win 2k8 x64 I could browse my catalog backups.  On HO1BK01, I could not, same error as that which I get for HO1SN01.  Both severs are configured in the same way however HO1BK01 is running win 2k3 x64.

    Do I need to reinstall NBU?





  • Nerdling,

    I would suggest you to go for a support case, it seems we all are overlooking something on somewhere..

    Support team can anlylise the detail logs for the and help you out  to resolve this issue.