Forum Discussion

grigori's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

need help concerning GRT duplication error

Hi all,

please can you help me in the below error:

really I dont understand why that happend? everything was running fine and the problem happend out of sudden.. my configuration is as follow:

I am having two mailbox servers (clustered); mailbox01 and mailbox02. I am having a GRT policy that I use to backup individual mailboxes. for this GRT policy I created a storage unit DAG-GRT unit that contains two staging disks each disk is mounted ( connected) to its server (i.e. disk01 is connected to mailbox01 and disk02 is for mailbox02). when i run the GRT policy,backup  images are created successfully from both server to the staging disks, but duplication is always failing on mailbox02 disk; i.e. I can't relocate my mailbox02 image to tapes! meanwhile duplication is always successful for mailbox01.

master server is a Solaris 10 X64
NBU master server version: 7.0.1

clients version on mailbox01 and mailbox02: 7.0.1

the error that I am getting is the follwing:

16:22:30 Duplicate started Wed Oct 12 16:22:27 2011
16:22:30 Activity monitor job id = 10146
16:22:34 INF - Destination storage unit mailbox02-hcart-robot-tld-0 on host mailbox02
16:28:11 INF - db_IMAGE() failed: database system error (220)
16:28:11 INF - Status = no images were successfully processed.

16:28:11 INF - Duplicating policy DAG-GRT-daily schedule GRT-Sched backup id dag_1318417585 copy 1 created on 10/12/2011 14:06:25 on source path P:\netbackup-mail02-grt
16:28:11 INF - Duplicate of backupid dag_1318417585 failed, database system error (220).

16:28:11 INF - Status = no images were successfully processed.

appriciating your help anyone.

many thanks in advance

  • Glad you got it fixed. Odd that the 'offending' message backed up fine but failed to duplicate? indecision

    Upgrades are free if annual maintenance is up to date.

    To prevent future similar problems, disable message-level cataloging during duplication:

    To disable the cataloging of Exchange backups using Granular Recovery Technology
    1 On the master server, open the NetBackup Administration Console.
    2 In the left pane, expand Host Properties.
    3 Click Master Servers.
    4 In the right pane, right-click the master server click Properties.
    5 Click General Server.
    6 Uncheck Enable message-level cataloging when duplicating Exchange images that use Granular Recovery Technology.
    7 Click OK.

  • This is failing after 5 minutes (approximately) which relates to the bpdbm hardcoded timeout

    Contact support as they may have EEBs for this, although my customer was on 7.1 and had to upgarde to or to get them.

    The EEB contains bpdbm for the Master and bpcd for Media and Clients

    Hope his helps


    what appears to be a solution


    many thanks for your help, we solved this problem without purchasing any upgrade license.. what would be your impression when you ask the customer to buy an upgrade license then this will never solve his problem :)...

    anyway my solution was about following very closely logs generated in the /opt/openv/netbackup/logs/bpdbm. in this folder the error logs were telling me exactly that at the cataloguing phase when the duplication process was trying to catalogue the mailbox of a specific user it fails and generates the database error 220 then the duplication faisd with error 191.

    for that we deleted the messages of this user and then we were able to run the GRT backup policy again.


  • Glad you got it fixed. Odd that the 'offending' message backed up fine but failed to duplicate? indecision

    Upgrades are free if annual maintenance is up to date.

    To prevent future similar problems, disable message-level cataloging during duplication:

    To disable the cataloging of Exchange backups using Granular Recovery Technology
    1 On the master server, open the NetBackup Administration Console.
    2 In the left pane, expand Host Properties.
    3 Click Master Servers.
    4 In the right pane, right-click the master server click Properties.
    5 Click General Server.
    6 Uncheck Enable message-level cataloging when duplicating Exchange images that use Granular Recovery Technology.
    7 Click OK.

    • J_MCCOLL's avatar
      Level 4

      The only issue with the solution provided is that when you browse through your images thereafter you can no longer browse to find a specific message until after you make a copy back to disk.

      This is something that does need a resolution but Marianne's answer is the only viable answer until after Veritas resolve this. 

      Mark's information is also useful relating to the timeouts, depending on your environment.

      • Marianne's avatar
        Level 6

        This post is FIVE YEARS old! 

        Why tag onto it now??? 

        NBU 7.0.1 was released in 2010.

        The 'current' version is 7.7.3 that contains all of the fixes and updated features since 2010.