Forum Discussion

vinrocks's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Need to restore backup from a tape on different master server

Hi All ,


We are going to do data migration form location A(source) to location B(destination).Now we have netbackup master servers at both location .

We are planning to take backup of data from location A file servers on tape through netbackup and restore it at location B using different netbackup master server.

Just wanted to know the feasiblity for this .Also if its possible can you let me know the steps .

  • "Permission denied to restore on Root fs " You need to restore somewhere else. Look at your filer documentation. Or check filer for filesystem layout and specify subfolder.

8 Replies

  • HI marianne .


    I got the solutions .Have chnged the subfolder .Now its restoring .You have been of great help.


  • "Permission denied to restore on Root fs " You need to restore somewhere else. Look at your filer documentation. Or check filer for filesystem layout and specify subfolder.
  • Hi thanks ,


    I can now see the backup image ,but when i am trying to select the option as restore everything to diffrnt location .I cant gives me a error as cannot connect to netbackup host.


    Also when i select restore to same locatio .

    I get the below error

    5-2015 10:44:16 - positioned L612L4; position time: 00:00:00
    21-05-2015 10:44:16 - begin reading
    21-05-2015 10:44:17 - Info ndmpagent(pid=2392) INF - Restoring NDMP files from /Project_Share     
    21-05-2015 10:44:17 - Info ndmpagent(pid=2392) DAR enabled          
    21-05-2015 10:44:54 - Error ndmpagent(pid=2392) INMUMTCONAS01: Permission denied to restore on Root fs    
    21-05-2015 10:44:55 - Info ndmpagent(pid=2392) INMUMTCONAS01: server_archive: emctar vol 1, 1 files, 131072 bytes read, 0 bytes written
    21-05-2015 10:44:55 - Error ndmpagent(pid=2392) NDMP restore failed from path /Project_Share      
    21-05-2015 10:44:55 - end reading; read time: 00:00:39
    21-05-2015 10:44:55 - Info bpbrm(pid=2572) child done, status 5        
    21-05-2015 10:44:55 - Info bpbrm(pid=2572) sending message to media manager: STOP RESTORE inmummatnas01_1432098544    
    21-05-2015 10:44:56 - Info bpbrm(pid=2572) media manager for backup id inmummatnas01_1432098544 exited with status 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
    21-05-2015 10:44:56 - restored image inmummatnas01_1432098544 - (the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)); restore time 00:02:33
    21-05-2015 10:44:59 - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:02:37
    Restore error(2850)

  • Browse for siteA client backups in BAR (Backup Archive & Restore). Specify machine names: Server: masterB Source Client: clientA (must match client name used in siteA policy) Destination Client : clientB Policy Type: (must match siteA policy type).
  • Hi ,

    Have completed the import activity .

    Both the phase have completed ,but now how do i go ahead .Where can i see the backup image now ?.

    In Backup and restore ,any settings have to be done ?

  • Hi Marainne,


    Master B is already taking backups of location b and has a different hostname than master A.

    Cant change the hostname :(


  • Is MasterB going to do backups as well? Or just restores? If restores only, you have a number of choices : 1) Prepare MasterB with same hostname and NBU version as MasterA. Use catalog backup and restore to bring catalogs to MasterB. 2) Use Recovery Without Import (search this forum or Symantec site for URL to TN and WhitePaper). 3) Use Import utility in Catalog section of the GUI on MasterB to perform phase 1 and 2 import of tapes from MasterA. This is a lengthy procedure that will take about as long as the backups did. You may want to consider dedupe storage that will enable you to configure AIR (Automatic Image Replication ) between sites. Speak to your Symantec reseller.