Forum Discussion

sandeepk's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

Net backup E-mail notification tape alert.

Dear Team,

I am using single tape for Enterprise vault backup. If tape get full and it will ask second tape to continue the same backup job. can we configure E-mail notification tape alert to user




  • Logon to OpsCenter / Manage / Alert Policies / Add / Device, Mount Request.

    If you want the alert to be emailed, then in OpsCenter, also configure an email recipient, and configure SMTP target details.

16 Replies

  • Ok, here's a script, but... may not be completely suitable... may need to make some adjustments...

    ...and I left in an example of an alert being punted out to BMC Patrol, but it's commented out.

    ...anyway, the script assumes a few things...

    1) That 'blat' is pre-configured and working.

    2) That the system wide 'path' includes the path to the NetBackup commands.

    3) That you will configure a scheduled taks to run it, perhaps once every 10 or 15 or 30 minutes or so.

    4) You will need to modify the 'cluster-node1/2' check so that it matches on the name of your master server.

    5) You will need to modify the email target addresses.

    6) Create a folder for the script to live in:   D:\NBU-SCRIPTS\pending-media

    7) Save the script as 'pending-media.bat'

    8) Create another plain ASCII text file in the same folder, named '' (use 'notepad') and enter in to this file a list of all of the master, master/media, media servers in this NetBackup domain that have tape drives visible to them - so that the script can query each media server.



    @echo off
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    REM ################################################################################
    REM # Script:    Check for, and send email alerts, for pending media mount requests.
    REM # Author:    sdo
    REM # Date:    20th February 2006
    REM #
    REM # Date       WHO    Description
    REM # ----       ---    -----------
    REM # 20-FEB-2006  sdo    Initial version.
    REM # 20-FEB-2006  sdo    Handle if media server is down.
    REM #  8-JAN-2009  sdo    For new master.
    REM #  2-MAY-2011  sdo    Raise Patrol alert.
    REM ################################################################################
    set z_path=%~dp0
    set z_name=%~n0
    set z_file_log=!z_path!!z_name!.log
    set z_file_med=!z_path!!z_name!.med
    set z_file_tmp=!z_path!!z_name!.tmp
    call :log ""
    call :log "***********************************************"
    call :log "Run date:  !date!"
    REM ####################################################################################
    REM ### Are we on the cluster node?
    REM ###
    if /i not "%computername%"=="cluster-node1" (
      if /i not "%computername%"=="cluster-node2" (
        call :log "Script cannot run on `!computername!`..."
        goto :end
    REM ####################################################################################
    REM ### Email the reports...
    REM ###
    for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('type "!z_file_med!"') do (
      call :log "Checking:  %%a"
      if exist "!z_file_tmp!" del "!z_file_tmp!"
      vmoprcmd -h %%a -d pr > "!z_file_tmp!"
      find "PENDING REQUESTS" "!z_file_tmp!" > NUL
      if !errorlevel!==0 (
        find "<NONE>" "!z_file_tmp!" > NUL
        if !errorlevel!==1 (
          call :log "Sending email alerts re pending media request..."
          blat "!z_file_tmp!" -to !z_mail_sto! -i NetBackup -s "ALERT: Pending media request."
    REM   blat "!z_file_tmp!" -to !z_mail_ops! -i NetBackup -s "ALERT: Pending media request."
    REM   blat "!z_file_tmp!" -to !z_mail_tst! -i NetBackup -s "INFO:  Pending media request."
          set z_bem_level=MINOR
          set z_nbu_level=ERROR
          set z_bem_message=NetBackup - Media mount required.
    REM   call :raise-alert
    REM ####################################################################################
    REM ### The end...
    REM ###
    if exist "!z_file_tmp!" del "!z_file_tmp!"
    call :log ""
    call :log "Script completed okay."
    exit /b
    REM ####################################################################################
    REM ### Display and log to a file...
    REM ###
    (echo !time:~0,8!  %~1)
    (echo !time:~0,8!  %~1)>>"!z_file_log!"
    goto :eof
    REM ####################################################################################
    REM ### Send a trap to BMC Patrol...
    REM ###
    call :log ""
    call :log "Alert details..."
    call :log "  BEM level:    !z_bem_level!"
    call :log "  BEM message:  !z_bem_message!
    call :log "  NBU level:    !z_nbu_level!"
    call :log ""
    call :log "Send alert to Patrol/BEM..."
    set z_msend=D:\Program Files\ProactiveNet Agent\Agent\server\bin\msend.exe
    if not exist "!z_msend!" (
      call :log "Cannot find msend executable..."
    ) else (
      set z_host=!computername!
      "!z_msend!" -a MY_MSEND -r !z_bem_level! -n bem-server -m "!z_bem_message!" -b "mc_object_class=NETBACKUP;mc_object=!z_name!;mc_parameter_value=!z_deac!;mc_parameter=!z_name!;mc_host=!z_host!;team=Storage Team" -q
      set z_sts=!errorlevel!
      if not "!z_sts!"=="0" call :log "Failed to MSEND message to Patrol, status `!z_sts!`..."
    call :log "Done..."
    goto :eof
  • If you have an OpsCenter server, you can simply setup and alert for mount requests.

  • Can someone show me what are configuration steps for E-mail alert for mount requests in OpsCenter

    This is very helpful solution to everyone………

  • Logon to OpsCenter / Manage / Alert Policies / Add / Device, Mount Request.

    If you want the alert to be emailed, then in OpsCenter, also configure an email recipient, and configure SMTP target details.