Forum Discussion

8 Replies

  • Also I should note that we are running HP-UX 11.31 on Itanium with the Sept 2010 patchset.  We upgraded from NetBackup 6.5.6.

  • Kudos to Symantec on doing their homework. I upgraded from 6.5.4 to 7.0 earlier this week and haven't found a single issue. Way smoother than the 5.x to 6.x upgrade.

  • Long may it stay that way!

    7.0 Late Breaking News

  • But I am in the process of doing the 7.0 and 7.01 upgrade.

    So far 3 major issues that I am trying to find workarounds for.

    My upgrade is not going as planned and I had read everything before hand and had my steps all written out, then hit issues.  And I am still not done with the first location.  And have a second one to do after this.

    AIX master.

  • Sorry to hear that J.

    I hope that in your case they are not so escoteric that they are specific to a narrow band of AIX versions, the more people that are impacted, the quicker Symantec will be with solutions.  Post your version of AIX & the specific problems that you are experiencing.  Some of us may just not have run into those specific scenarios yet either.

  • AIX master


    1) (not aix related) I cannot get my 2008's to take the install.  I had to copy the install files to the C drive before they would work.  We are still trying to get SMS to push them but having some issues there as well.

    2) the upgrade instructions said that it would make a copy of your goodies dir and your notify scripts and put 65 on the name, so you can make your changes again the the new 7.0 notify scripts.  No copies made.  I had to restore my notify scripts from tape with a new name so I could make my changes.  I had a big change to the parent_notify script that I really needed.

    3) using the java (jnbSA) from the master server, went to policies to push the client files to my unix clients.  Failed - A

    A) the push was looking for NB_java.tar.Z but I had a NB_Java.tar.gz.  I had to take the gz and make a Z out if it for it to get past that.

    2) Found out that when I installed the client files on the master, it was registering the Linux and the Mac and the JAVA but it was NOT registering the RS6000 client files.  So when I tried to do the push it kept pushing out the 6.5.5 and not the 7.0.1.  I had to use the ftp_to_client method to push the update to my unix clients.

  • Thanks for the details.

    1) I am just handling the servers and clients that are unix based, but I imagine we would have issues there as well.  I know that they required a clean install of 6.5.4 base for Windows 2008 R2 because basically they only marginally supported that version of Windows prior to that.

    2) Thanks for the details, I actually had to bring back my backup_exit_notify alerting from a backup made just before the update.

    3) I have not tried the console and ftp methods recently.  I have been using the ssh_to_client option which seems to work pretty consistently.