Forum Discussion

Ray_Xu's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Netbackup Java Console "Unable to login,status:503" Invalid Username(AD Is Windows Server 2012)?

Hello, I am trying to login into Netbackup master server (Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1) using Netbackup Java console But login fails with "Unable to login,status:503" Invalid Usern...
  • quebek's avatar
    11 years ago

    I would also grant this user with:

    Replace a process level token,

    Act as part of the operating system,

    Create a token object.

    Once added (either via secpol.msc or GPO - depends on your AD configuration/needs) reboot the system as in rsop.msc these won't be shown (until reboot will be done).

    After a reboot try to logon via Java - if still unsuccessful create a directory bpjava-msvc in

    <install path>\NetBackup\logs

    and review the file created there after next login attempt from Java GUI.