Forum Discussion

Flako's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

netbackup 7.5.06 , bpdbjobs hangs



i'm running NetBackup on Solaris 10.

With 2 Mediaservers and the Master in a non-Global Solaris Zone.

Sometimes i do have a strange behaviour.

Everything runs. All jobs are scheduled and processed correctly. (as far as i can see)

The only thing that doesn't work is the 'bpdbjobs' CMD.

I didnt find another CMD that doesnt work.

But this is somewhat important. Lots of scripts/reports depend on the output of 'bpdbjobs' CMD.

Does this happen, i "just" have to restart all Netbackup processes and everything is fine for nearly 2 month.

Does anyone have a hint for me what i can do ?  Where i should have to look for ?


cu Ingo F.

  • So bpdbjobs command in your system works for 2 months and would hang after that?

    How many jobs you keep in your activity monitor? 

    By default it is 3 days (72). Check bp.conf to see if you have KEEP_JOBS_HOURS entry which is higher than that value. Try to trim it down to default value to see if your bpdbjobs works.

    If it's already the default, possibly you have too many jobs in 3 days, use a few parameter of bpdbjobs to see if you can get some info, such as:

    # bpdbjobs -summary

    # bpdbjobs -version

    These 2 should work, if still not, try enabling /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpdbjobs and bring it to Netbackup support.

2 Replies

  • So bpdbjobs command in your system works for 2 months and would hang after that?

    How many jobs you keep in your activity monitor? 

    By default it is 3 days (72). Check bp.conf to see if you have KEEP_JOBS_HOURS entry which is higher than that value. Try to trim it down to default value to see if your bpdbjobs works.

    If it's already the default, possibly you have too many jobs in 3 days, use a few parameter of bpdbjobs to see if you can get some info, such as:

    # bpdbjobs -summary

    # bpdbjobs -version

    These 2 should work, if still not, try enabling /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/bpdbjobs and bring it to Netbackup support.

  • Aeh, well right i found the KEEP_JOBS_HOURS Parm in bp.conf :

           KEEP_JOBS_HOURS = 720


    I see !!

    So sorry, you are right. I will strip it down.

    This should obviously the mistake.


    Thanx and have a nice day,
