Forum Discussion

AdamChangepoint's avatar
8 years ago

Netbackup 7.7.3 Device Configuration Wizard does not find Tape Drive or Robot

I just installed Netbackup 7.7.3 on a Windows 2012 Standard x64 machine.

I have a Dell ML-6000 hooked up via a fibre HBA to the system

Windows is able to see both the Tape drive and the medium changer and has no driver issues according to device manager. 

When I run the Device Configuration Wizard it says that it can't find either the Tape drives or robot 

I'm not sure what next steps should be to troubleshoot this issue, any help would be appriciated

  • Michael_G_Ander's avatar
    8 years ago

    Looking at the Scan pictures it seems you have an issue with the device mappings.

    Think the solution is to download the latest device mappings file and load it according to the readme file.

    Another approach could be doing a repair on Netbackup

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  • I've seen a few times when Device Manager says it can see something, but in fact it cannot.

    Personally, I'd delete the devices from Windows completly, then reboot.  If the devices 'come back' in device manager, that's good enough to confirm they really are visible.

    It doesn't mean they are repsponding correctly, so visible in device manager, doesn't suddenly mean the blame is on NBU - as SDO correctly asks, what does the scan command show ???

    scan only sends scsi commands to the devices seen by the OS, Device Manager does something similar - so if Device Manager isn't working, I would first expect to see scan fail as well (this is what is usually found).

    If scan works, then as Michael suggested, we could be looking at a comms type of issue somewhere.


  • Can you show us screenshot of Windows Device Manager?

    Plus output of 'scan' commands as requested by sdo 
    (Command is in <install-path>\veritas\volmgr\bin )

    'scan' command will show devices if they respond to scsi_commands at OS-level.

    • AdamChangepoint's avatar
      Level 3

      Attached are the screen shots requested. 

      Someone else had mentioned the windows firewall being the culprit, that is disbaled on this server. 

      • Michael_G_Ander's avatar
        Level 6

        Looking at the Scan pictures it seems you have an issue with the device mappings.

        Think the solution is to download the latest device mappings file and load it according to the readme file.

        Another approach could be doing a repair on Netbackup

  • Do these commands return anything:

    scan -changer
    scan -tape
    • Have seen something similar, because the 1556 port was not open inbound in the local firewall.

      Have you checked the HCL for robot & drives ?