Forum Discussion

AndriiPushkarov's avatar
6 years ago

Netbackup 8. MSDP recovery

Hi all, 

I moved the media server from MSDP to another master.

The result of the MSDP configuration: ..system call failed (11) RDSM has encountered an STS error: ...

Repeat configuration:

Login credentials verification failed for server. Credential already exist (99).

How to fix MSDP?

It is required to save the data.

Thanks in advance for answer


  • Recovered the configuration files \ msdp_data \ etc \ puredisk \. MSDP is functional.

    Thank you for the answers

4 Replies

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  • Can we please take a step back - 

    What steps have you followed to remove the media server and MSDP config from old master?
    What steps have you followed to add the media server to new master server? 
    .... and vice versa - have you removed old master/EMM server from media server and added new master/EMM to media server? 


    • AndriiPushkarov's avatar
      Level 4

      Media Server added to new Master. MSDP on the old master stayed. Media server deactivated. On the new server: New Storage Server> Meia Server Deduplication pool> ... I've done this before. Today I made a mistake. In the first configuration step, I assigned "storage patch" and "use alternative path for deduplication database ...". Correctly toko "storage patch". MSDP has lost credentials. How to setup?