Netbackup VMWARE backups question regarding vmdks
Netbackup (soon to upgrade to 10.x) windows 2019 environment (physical server). One master/Media server writing backups to TAPE
We recently have got a new storage SAN and storage admins have been migrating data and the VMs that originally had RDM drives, well now they are making them VMDKs. So for example we have a VM that has 2 drives. One drive has a size of 100GB (such as a c:\ drive) then the VM has a second drive that is 5TB. On the 5TB drive - only like 200GB of space is actually being used as of right now.
I assumed that yes the initial FULL level vmware job would back everything (all blocks) up which it did --> 5 plus TBs.
We do a FULL level weekly and Incremental daily. But Im not sure why our FULL level is still backing up 5 plus TBs on each FULL. What are we doing wrong??
In the vmware admin guide I see on page 151 ( That when you use the "Enable block-level incremental backup" option in the policy Netbackup vmware changed vlock Tracking feature (CBT) to redue the backup size. I have confirmed from our vmware admin that CBT in vmware is definitely enabled. The netbackup vmware guide goes on to say a "backup of entire VM with a FULL schedule - Backs up only the blocks that have changed since the .vmdk was created. Note that the blocks that are not initialized are excluded from the backup."
So on our vmware policy we have the following . (image below)
Any help in this would be appreciated
additional questions..
If we were to just do a vmware incremental/ diff without a FULL level schedule in place is it accurate to say that netbackup would perform a FULL level for the initial backup?
Would it be safe to maybe just do a FULL level once a month on the vms that have large vmdks (like 5TB ) and then just do incremental daily? would we still be able to restore using an incremental?, since we have the dependent FULL level out there.?
Thanks BC