Forum Discussion

adamt078's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Netbackup and server refresh

Can you think of the best way how to deal with Netbackup when a server gets refreshed 


The scenario

The Server in our remote office is getting refreshed to a server 2008 server. Currently this WAN server  OldServer1 is backed up through Netbackup over the WAN using client dedupe and we want the new server NEwServer1 to be backed up in the same way . The new server will be having a new name .

Will the bacup be treated as a new server and a FULL compltee backup done over teh WAN ? How can we make used of the data in dedeupe pool and if possible reduce the time of the first backup ??

Whats methods are you guys emplying out there especailly for large file servers? 


we are currenlty upgrading out environment from Netbackup 7.5 to 7.6 if that will also help 


Thanks in advance guys 



  • Yo do unserstand that NBU has no idea that OldServer1 and NEwServer1 are one and the same client, right?

    If backup was done for OldServer1  but you now need to make NBU believe that NEwServer1 is the same machine, I believe that TECH144437 needs to be followed to prevent new, full backup.

5 Replies

  • hello

    NetBackup is going to view this client as a whole new backup and will need time to complete a full backup. When the name changes, its pretty much a new client to net backup. For restores, you will also have to do a rediected restore.

  • Thanks guys I am abit confused why I have to do the seeding method although it looks like might be the solution..


    if I already have the data in the dedupe pool from the old server name why will it do a full abckup ?? should it not just do the changes ??

  • Yo do unserstand that NBU has no idea that OldServer1 and NEwServer1 are one and the same client, right?

    If backup was done for OldServer1  but you now need to make NBU believe that NEwServer1 is the same machine, I believe that TECH144437 needs to be followed to prevent new, full backup.

  • ok will go for the seeding option and fully understand now just thats i thought regardless of what server the data came from Netbackup was clever to regonise it has the data sin the depure pool somewhere ...


    Thanks for all your help