Forum Discussion

Amaan's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

NetBackup command for activity monitor output

Hi All,

I need your help as usual.

Is it possible to get same output as activity monitor from command line. I know it is possible with bpdbjobs -report, but columns which i need are not appering in the report (output). Columns which I need are:

JobID - Parent JobID - Type - State - Policy name - Schedule name - Client name - Start time - End time.

Is there any way (documented or undocumented) to get this output about jobs (Failed, successful jobs) from command line.

Environment: Windows 2008 R2; and NBU 7.0.1

Thanks in advance.



  • bpdbjobs -most_columns

    but it'll need some work:


    DOCUMENTATION: In NetBackup 6.x and 7.x, what does the output of "bpdbjobs -most_columns" mean?


    Think there's also an -all_columns option?


    Maybe this could also be of assistance:

    DOCUMENTATION: How to customize the output of the bpdbjobs -report command with a Windows Master Server.

    & a bit more on COLDEFS, but UNIX based:

    BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS bp.conf entries for UNIX servers

  • bpdbjobs -most_columns

    but it'll need some work:


    DOCUMENTATION: In NetBackup 6.x and 7.x, what does the output of "bpdbjobs -most_columns" mean?


    Think there's also an -all_columns option?


    Maybe this could also be of assistance:

    DOCUMENTATION: How to customize the output of the bpdbjobs -report command with a Windows Master Server.

    & a bit more on COLDEFS, but UNIX based:

    BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS bp.conf entries for UNIX servers

  • WOW, this is exactly what i was looking for. Thanks so much.

    ONe more question. do you know any way of applying filter to the output. i was actually getting output from activity monitor (GUI) after applying some filter like: give me jobs which has ended more than 5/30/2012 6PM and less than 5/31/2012 6PM.

    is it possible to do that?

  • There's no start/end time option in the bpdbjobs command.

    You'd have to filter (script) the results as you intimated on field 11 (end-time) & I think that's output in 'ctime' so you'd have to work out what ctime values you needed to filter with.

    bpdbm -ctime <ctime> converts Unix ctime to human readable format, but you'd need to do that in reverse somehow......

    Symantec have a T/N on converting from ctime:

    but nothing (un-suprisingly) for the reverse.

  • but that would depend on exactly what it is you need, can any of this output that you require be achieved via any of the Admin Console reports?

    DOCUMENTATION: The command line equivalents for running the NetBackup reports available in the NetBackup user interface

    - the majority of these do have start/end time options as well as being able to report further back than what you'll have in the Activity Monitor. But that would depend on what you're after as it seems you're obviously looking at the Activity Monitor for a specific reason.