NetBackup command for activity monitor output
Hi All,
I need your help as usual.
Is it possible to get same output as activity monitor from command line. I know it is possible with bpdbjobs -report, but columns which i need are not appering in the report (output). Columns which I need are:
JobID - Parent JobID - Type - State - Policy name - Schedule name - Client name - Start time - End time.
Is there any way (documented or undocumented) to get this output about jobs (Failed, successful jobs) from command line.
Environment: Windows 2008 R2; and NBU 7.0.1
Thanks in advance.
bpdbjobs -most_columns
but it'll need some work:
DOCUMENTATION: In NetBackup 6.x and 7.x, what does the output of "bpdbjobs -most_columns" mean? there's also an -all_columns option?
Maybe this could also be of assistance:
DOCUMENTATION: How to customize the output of the bpdbjobs -report command with a Windows Master Server. a bit more on COLDEFS, but UNIX based:
BPDBJOBS_COLDEFS bp.conf entries for UNIX servers