Forum Discussion

Raritan's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Netbackup for Exchange server 2013 sp1

Team we are using netbackup 7.6 as a backup solution for Exchange database backup, From last few days we had observed our backup is getting failed and transaction logs are not getting truncated. Below is the error message we are getting.

exmail01 5.5.19 am

Instance 3: The physical consistency check successfully validated 0 out of 7794686 pages of database '\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy301\DB01\T1DB01.edb'. Because some database pages were either not validated or failed validation, the consistency check has been considered unsuccessful.


Instance 5: The physical consistency check has completed, but one or more errors were detected. The consistency check has terminated with error code of -106 (0xffffff96).

  • looks like it is a exchange issue..

    do you see any erros in event viewer...?

    see the below blog from exchange and see if that helps

2 Replies

  • looks like it is a exchange issue..

    do you see any erros in event viewer...?

    see the below blog from exchange and see if that helps

  • Agree with RamNagalla,

    From that TechNet blog:

    In general this event would indicate that consistency check encountered an error when scanning the pages of an Exchange database.  In most cases this would mean that there is page level corruption in the database such that the validation checks performed by consistency check would fail and the backup would be terminated.  This is by design.