Forum Discussion

andrich's avatar
Level 4
12 years ago

Netbakup Catalog

Hello everybody!!!

I have a Netbackup Catalog Police running in three diferents schedules - DIARY, HOURLY and WEEKLY.

My DIARY schedule starts at 09h AM and keep for more than 24 hours running and don´t finish. So, I have to kill it.

Does anybody see something similar in your NB Catalog ?




  • Look at your schedules - seems Inline Tape Copy is configured. I would remove NFS destination as a start.

    Please post your catalog policy config:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bppllist <policy-name> -U


    bptm and bpbkar log files are correct ones, but you need to allow it to finish in order to find useful info.

    The bpbkar test suggested by revaroo will start a local backup of the folder that you specify in the command and write the backup to /dev/null. This is how we test local read speed of the disk/filesystem where the folder is located.
    The command will run in the background.
    'ps -ef' or 'bpps' will show the bpbkar process.
    Once finished, you can check result in bpbkar log.
    See this TN for more info:
    Measuring disk performance with bpbkar



18 Replies

  • Only joking,,,it backs up that directory and below and throws the backup in the bin, ie it just read the data, a test to see if it can read the data.And it can.

  • Wonder if this is relevant - not quite the same, but closeish ...


  • mph, thanks for the link.

    Sajeev, my netbackup runs two copies. The first one in LTO2 tape and the second to a NFS mounted in the netbakup server.

    Take a look in my rate transfer. Its ridiculous.

  • Have you tried to just run to one destination at a time?

    with Inline tape copy backup speed will be limited to the speed of the slowest device.

    It is probably the NFS destination that is so slow.

    LTO2 destination (cannot believe these old devices are still in use) - locally attached to the master or to a media server?

  • Marianne

    My master and media server are the same machine (Sun Fire V490).

    How can I run the Catalog for just one destination?

    Where are the Catalog logs that can show me if its running ok ?

    Thanks a lot.



  • Look at your schedules - seems Inline Tape Copy is configured. I would remove NFS destination as a start.

    Please post your catalog policy config:

    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bppllist <policy-name> -U


    bptm and bpbkar log files are correct ones, but you need to allow it to finish in order to find useful info.

    The bpbkar test suggested by revaroo will start a local backup of the folder that you specify in the command and write the backup to /dev/null. This is how we test local read speed of the disk/filesystem where the folder is located.
    The command will run in the background.
    'ps -ef' or 'bpps' will show the bpbkar process.
    Once finished, you can check result in bpbkar log.
    See this TN for more info:
    Measuring disk performance with bpbkar



  • Thanks everybody

    Reading all the posts, the correct decision is changing my LTO destination to a LTO4 and make the Catalog DISK copy to a local disk and not a NFS.
