Forum Discussion

TimWillingham's avatar
6 years ago

Network errors after upgrading from 8.1.1 to 8.1.2

I recently upgraded 2 nearly identical environments from 8.1.1 to 8.1.2.  We rarely got backups failures in either environment, but starting getting status code 42 on our Windows media servers afterwards.  Restarting the services on the media server resolves the problem temporarily, but eventually they return.  I have ensured the the connection timeouts match for master, media and clients which reduces the frequency of problems, but does not eliminate them.  Nothing else was changed in either environment to my knowledge and the errors started within 24 hours of the upgrades.

  • Veritas finally created an EEB to address the issue and it successfully eliminated the errors.

7 Replies

  • check with support to see this is a known issue and any EEB is available for this.

    • TimWillingham's avatar
      Level 5

      I've got a case open, but don't seem to be making any progress.  They are treating it like a network issue that existed prior to the upgrade.

    • TimWillingham's avatar
      Level 5

      Veritas finally created an EEB to address the issue and it successfully eliminated the errors.