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TimHudson's avatar
Level 3
14 years ago

JournalArchive table and trigger file

I have discovered that my vault store databases have very large watchfile and JournalArchive tables (3 db's for a total of 300 million rows).  The reason for this is that my backup software doesn't r...
  • JesusWept3's avatar
    14 years ago

    OK so yes technically with sharing enabled for an item to truly be secure any items that its shared across from other partitions would also have to be "backed up" in order for the BackupComplete = 1

    However that being said, if an item is below i20kthen it won't be shared, and won't rely on anything outside of its own partition.

    The IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt file is placed at the root of the partition so if it just resides in that one partition it will only secure items for anything it finds in that partition alone, and if they're not shared then it will only secure parts of them.

    The Creation Date , well just try it and see what happens
    So lets do something like the following

    1. Get a count of how many items are in the journal archive altogether awaiting backup from 1st January 2011

    USE yourVaultStore
    SELECT COUNT(TransactionId)
    FROM JournalArchive
    WHERE BackupComplete = 0
    AND RecordCreationDate < '2011-01-01'

    2. Get a count of how many items are in the journal archive below the sharing threshold

    USE yourVaultStore
    SELECT COUNT(TransactionId)
    FROM JournalArchive
    WHERE BackupComplete = 0
    AND RecordCreationDate < '2011-01-01'
    AND ItemSize < (SELECT SISPartSizeThreshold_KB FROM EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.VaultStoreGroup)

    3.  Get the oldest dates of the items awaiting backup

    SELECT TOP 10 TransactionId, ItemSize, BackupComplete, RecordCreationDate
    FROM JournalArchive
    WHERE BackupComplete = 0
    AND RecordCreationDate < '2011-01-01'
    AND ItemSize < (SELECT SISPartSizeThreshold_KB FROM EnterpriseVaultDirectory.dbo.VaultStoreGroup)
    ORDER BY RecordCreationDate

    4. Note that the first records displayed are the oldest, so lets say some of the oldest are 01-01-2009
    Download a utility old FileTouch from here:

    5. Next go to the Root of your partition and create IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt in notepad
    6. Open a command prompt to where you extracted FileTouch.exe
    7. Run the following Command using the date you determined previously

    FileTouch /C /D 01-01-2010 /T 13:00:00 E:\Enterprise Vault Stores\Partition1\IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt

    8. Afterwards on the EV Server itself, open a Command prompt and CD to your \Program Files\Enterprise Vault Directory
    9. Type "Dtrace" and press Enter
    10. Type "set StorageFileWatch v" and press Enter
    11. Type "log C:\TriggerFileTest.txt" and press Enter
    12. Minimize the command prompt
    13. Either restart the Storage service or wait for the scan time to come around (on the partitions you have a Backup tab that talks about the trigger file and a scan every 60 minutes if set)
    14. Await for the file to be called .OLD
    15. Go back to the DTrae in the command prompt and exit
    16. Go back to the SQL Management studio, and run the first three queries again, you should now see that the counts have gone down

    Also this is what i see from my dtrace


    (StorageFileWatch) <7244> EV:L CWatchFileTimer::CheckTriggerFileExists (Entry) |
    (StorageFileWatch)<7244> EV:L CWatchFileTimer::CheckTriggerFileExists|Trigger file E:\Enterprise Vault Stores\Partition1\PartitionSecuredNotification.xml not found so searching for .txt file
    (StorageFileWatch) <7244> EV:L CWatchFileTimer::CheckTriggerFileExists|Trigger file E:\Enterprise Vault Stores\Partition1\IgnoreArchiveBitTrigger.txt found
    (StorageFileWatch) <7244> EV:L CWatchFileTimer::CheckTriggerFileExists|PartitionSecuredDate = 2009-01-01 19:00:00 TZ|