Forum Discussion

perez_cmz's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

"no entity was found (Status 227)" during Images On Tape report

When I run an Images On Tape report for some old LTO3 tapes, some are coming back with "no entity was found (Status 227)".

I've done some research, and this particular status code seems to be somewhat vague.

Does anyone know what this status code means in this case ?

  • Data Expiration:                -
    Kilobytes:                      0
    Images:                         0
    Valid Images:                   0
    Retention Period:               -


    There are no valid images on this tape.

    All images have expired.

  • If you run the report from CLI what does it show.


    # cd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd
    # ./bpimmedia -U [-client <client_name>] [-mediaid <media_id>]


    Never trust a GUI :p

  • Same result

    [root@sv144889 admincmd]# ./bpimmedia -U -mediaid 016873
    no entity was found

  • Are there still valid backups on this tape?
    Maybe all images have already expired?

    Show us output of:

    nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid 016873

  • "227 - A query may have no matching images. Specify different parameters or options for the operation and try the query again."

    While generic, in this case you made a request that the images on tape report which runs bpimmedia

    You can see bpimmedia being called in the admin log. IE.:

    <2> bpimmedia: INITIATING: version NetBackup 7.6 created: 2014042415
    <2> logparams: -client 2003VM1 -tape -mediaid E02001 -M nbmaster2 


    <16> imagemedia: unexpected return value from db_IMAGEreceive: no entity was found 227
    <4> bpimmedia: 0 matches were found. Number of images printed: 0
    <2> bpimmedia: EXIT STATUS 227: no entity was found

    If you can't find the tape with nbemmcmd, you may have to import the tape(s).

  • That's what I was thinking, but not sure.


    [root@sv144889 admincmd]# nbemmcmd -listmedia -mediaid 016873
    NBEMMCMD, Version:
    Media GUID:                     14f492c8-8ec8-11e3-8000-cff298094c6e
    Media ID:                       016873
    Partner:                        -
    Media Type:                     HCART2
    Volume Group:                   001_00017_TLD
    Application:                    Netbackup
    Media Flags:                    1
    Description:                    NYK DEV Tapes
    Barcode:                        016873L3
    Partner Barcode:                --------
    Last Write Host:                NONE
    Created:                        02/05/2014 23:46
    Time Assigned:                  -
    First Mount:                    03/09/2014 00:02
    Last Mount:                     04/01/2014 04:22
    Volume Expiration:              -
    Data Expiration:                -
    Last Written:                   04/01/2014 03:10
    Last Read:                      -
    Robot Type:                     TLD
    Robot Control Host:   
    Robot Number:                   17
    Slot:                           1475
    Side/Face:                      -
    Cleanings Remaining:            -
    Number of Mounts:               4
    Maximum Mounts Allowed:         0
    Media Status:                   ACTIVE
    Kilobytes:                      0
    Images:                         0
    Valid Images:                   0
    Retention Period:               -
    Number of Restores:             0
    Optical Header Size Bytes:      0
    Optical Sector Size Bytes:      0
    Optical Partition Size Bytes:   0
    Last Header Offset:             0
    Adamm Guid:                     00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Rsm Guid:                       00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Origin Host:                    NONE
    Master Host:          
    Server Group:                   -
    Upgrade Conflicts Flag:
    Pool Number:                    6
    Volume Pool:                    Scratchpool
    Previous Pool Name:             US_NYK_DUP_LT03
    Vault Flags:                    -
    Vault Container:                -
    Vault Name:                     -
    Vault Slot:                     -
    Session ID:                     -
    Date Vaulted:                   -
    Return Date:                    -
    Media on Hold:                  0
    Command completed successfully.

  • Yes, we do have a similar issue. When we were trying to restore the data it was failing when the drive picks up one particular media. After checking the media it ended up to be a non-backup or corrupted media due to which the images were not been able to seen.

  • Data Expiration:                -
    Kilobytes:                      0
    Images:                         0
    Valid Images:                   0
    Retention Period:               -


    There are no valid images on this tape.

    All images have expired.

  • That's what I was leaning towards, just wasn't sure. Thank you once again Marianne.