Forum Discussion

flyerfred's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Novell novfs backup failing

We have a legacy Novell server we need to backup and archive before we turn it off. We have used Novell's latest, fully patched NovellClient to mount the file system on a SuSE Enterprise Linux system, also latest and patched. When we run a full backup against this file system NetBackup reports only a small fraction of the files and size we are expecting to see. For example, there are 24GB and over 315,000 files in use on one volume but NetBackup only shows 3.319 GB and 21,500 files after a "successful" completion. We have also mapped the Novell filesystem to a Windows Server 2008 system with similar results. Has anyone seen this problem before? Is there a fix?



           Symantec OpsCenter Analytics Version (Build 20130209)

           SuseLinux  Enterprise Desktop 11 (x86_64) Version 11 Patchlevel 2

           Novell Client 3.0.0 Release

           Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise


Thank you for any advice.

3 Replies

  • Thank you for the response and I apologise for not responding earlier. I completely missed your response and wish I had seen it so we could have been sure we have a good backup. We finally used rsync to copy the entire novell system to a file server with sufficient space and were able to get a clean backup from that.


    Thank you for your help.

    Fred Magee

  • The only thing that comes to mind is read permission on all files and folders...

    When NFS mounted on a Linux server, root will need read access on all files as well as 'execute' permission on all folders in order to cd (change directory) to folders.

  • As you are just backing up a mapped file system it should be fine but on the policy attributes tab you do need to specify to "Cross Mount Points" to ensure that it is backed up - as well as making sure that you have all required rights to back up the files that exist there.

    Does the backup job end with a status of 1? If so what does the detailed job status say  is wrong and what it is skipping?

    If it is mapped rather than added as a mount point when using Windows then you need to set the NBU client service as a specific account - login as that account, map the drive making it persistent and then run the backup - this allows the client service to access that mapped drive correctly with the rights required - in this case you need to select "Backup network drives" on the policy attributes tab

    Hope this helps