Forum Discussion

KameliaB's avatar
Level 4
4 years ago

OpCenter Analytics - Capacity Reporting for 30 Days

I have a customer who is insisting there be a way to truncate the default 90-day Capacity report to 30 days without any scripting and in a single-push button method. We've tried the following to no avail:

  1. /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdeployutil --gather --traditional --hoursago=720 –output=<folder name of your choice > --exclude-all-cli
  2. Modifying the PURGE_INTERVAL=30  in nbdeployutilconfig.txt
  3. for i in 'cat filename'
    mkdir /tmp/nbdeploy/$i
    echo $i >/tmp/nbdeploy/$i/master.txt
    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdeployutil --master $i --gather --capacity --hoursago=720 –output=/tmp/nbdeploy/$i --exclude-all-clients
    /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbdeployutil --master $i --capacity --report /tmp/nbdeploy/$i --output=/tmp/nbdeploy/$i

Bullets one and two returned 90 days. Bullet three was not the customer's preferred method. The config file is the closest to what the customer wants. I noticed there is a 'minimum value' that can be defined in the file, but where?

Excerpt from

If fewer than 90 days is indicated, nbdeployutil uses 90 days as the value. Data that is older than 180 days is purged.

Data to be purged = current date - purge_interval.

Minimum value = 90 days.

Anyone know where I can modify that value? Or am I just chasing my tail and this can't be done?

  • HI KameliaB 

    I'm not sure why your original option 1 didn't work - that is the way to change how far backup the nbdeployutil will report.

    I do note that the example you provided indicated "traditional" rather than capacity, but assume that this was just a typo. Also you still need to generate the repoort from the gathered data (so a two step process).

    I have just tested this on a test system I have and using the --hoursago=720 doies restrict the "look back" to 30 days.

    Your original option 2 - the purge interval relates to the smartmeter automatic reporting (using nbdeployutil incrementally each week) and cleaning up after this period of time - it does not change the "look back" value.

    Option 3 looks to be what you intended in option 1 with both the gather and report commands used - but for multiple master servers. 

    The only one button approach I know of is using OpsCenter NetBackup Licensing report, (this can with a few clicks generate reports for all master servers monitiored. Not sure it is possible to alter the "look back" default of 90 days though. I do not believe it is a parameter that can be set in the nbdeployutilconfig.txt file.


8 Replies

  • Hey
    I did check the commands reference guide and found this

    The following are the prerequisites for the nbdeployutil utility:
    ■ The master server daemons or services must run in the environment to gather
    the data.
    ■ Confirm that sufficient disk space exists on the master server that runs the gather
    command. Gathering capacity licensing data collects bpimagelist output for
    the previous 90 days. The size of the output is a function of the number of images
    in the catalog for that period. The default time period can be moved or shrunk.
    Shorter time range analysis causes less accurate or incomplete figures.

    and this:

    Specifies the start date for a restricted date range for the collection period. The
    format for this parameter is "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss". Specify the time value
    hh:mm:ss in 24 hour notation, where 6:00 A.M. is 06:00:00 and 6:00 P.M. is
    18:00:00. Be aware the double quotation marks around the date time value
    are required.

    Specifies the end date for a restricted date range of the collection period. This
    option is used only with the start option. The format for this parameter is
    "MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss". Specify the time value hh:mm:ss in 24 hour notation,
    where 6:00 A.M. is 06:00:00 and 6:00 P.M. is 18:00:00. Double quotation
    marks must surround the date time value.


    so you can give a try - but still it will be script methodology...

    • KameliaB's avatar
      Level 4

      Thank you quebek,

      Can I plug in those values at the end of the following script:

      nbdeployutil --master <master names> --capacity --report /tmp/nbdeploy --output=/tmp/nbdeploy --start <MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss> --end <MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss>

      Or do I replace "hoursago" in this command with --start and --end

      nbdeployutil --gather --capacity--hoursago=720 –output=<folder name of your choice> --exclude-all-clients

      • jnardello's avatar

        Just to get rid of their initial objection point out that not all months have 720 hours in them. Ta da, now you have to script it. =) 

        Once you've done that, yes, running the command with --hoursago ought to do what you want.