Forum Discussion

stodan19's avatar
Level 2
16 years ago

PBX Cluster Service Failure

On most of my Windows Server 2003 clusters I keep getting PBX failure alerts. The exact alert is: "Cluster Resource 'PBX-servername' in Resource Group 'PBX-ClusterGroup-ServerName' Failed"
The only solution that I have found online is to remove the pbx agent but they are connected to a SAN and I read that if it runs SAN or NOM I should not remove. Any suggestions?

6 Replies

  • Hi

    check the event viewer logs for any entries such as:

    "The Cluster Resource Monitor could not load the DLL C:\Program Files\VERITAS\VxPBX\bin\\pbxmscs.dll for resource type pbxmscs"

    What are these servers? Media Servers or just Clients?

  • Is netbackup installed as cluster-aware. This means, is netbackup configured to failover?

    IF netbackup is not installed cluster-aware, then you can safely remove the PBX-ClusterGroup.

    Refer this:

    I believe that even if you have NOM, it should be safe to remove the service group as long as the PBX service is set to "automatic" in services.msc

    NOTE: Apart from Netbackup, PBX is also used by Storage Foundation products. (For VEA)

  • They are just clients and I could not find any entries matching that. All the entries say what was descipted in my initial post.
  • Is there a way to install the Windows client without having those Cluster resources created ? (a command line switch to setup.exe?)
  • It seems that PBXCONFIGURECS="FALSE" should work... I'll check this today.
  • I confirm, with PBXCONFIGURECS="FALSE" on the last line of silentinstall.bat AND in silentpatch.bat Do not forget this in the patch or the resources will be created at that time.