Forum Discussion

selimatmaca's avatar
5 years ago

Physcial Database Backup


In my environment, I have MS SQL, MySQL,PostGresql and Oracle databases. I mainly take VM backups and some database backups. I need to make sure that I am taking physical database backup instead of database dump. I am not sure if I am taking physical database backups  with the existing policies. I would like to share with you 2 different policies. Can you please tell me if the first policy (Oracle Policy) below is taking regular VM backup, database dump or pysical database backup.

And the 2.Policy below (MSSQL), is it tahing physical backup or database dump?



Oracle policy:


MSSQL Policy

  • Your policies are taking hot, online backups of Oracle and MS-SQL directly on the client(s) in the Clients tab of the policy.
    You can see this because of the Policy Type. 
    (VMware-type backup is taken with VMware policy type.)

    You may want to consider Oracle Intelligent Policies instead of the script-based template that you are currently using.
    Detailed info in NBU for Oracle manual.

    NetBackup also has agents for MySQL and PostgreSQL. Details in the relevant agent manuals.

    Please see 'Handy NBU links' in my signature for links to compatibility guides and manuals for all recent NBU versions. 

1 Reply

  • Your policies are taking hot, online backups of Oracle and MS-SQL directly on the client(s) in the Clients tab of the policy.
    You can see this because of the Policy Type. 
    (VMware-type backup is taken with VMware policy type.)

    You may want to consider Oracle Intelligent Policies instead of the script-based template that you are currently using.
    Detailed info in NBU for Oracle manual.

    NetBackup also has agents for MySQL and PostgreSQL. Details in the relevant agent manuals.

    Please see 'Handy NBU links' in my signature for links to compatibility guides and manuals for all recent NBU versions.