Forum Discussion

Rajeshgang's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Quantum Robotic Library issue


I had facing an issue with robotic library , and in server logs I can see the below error log. The robot got stuck and a hard reboot fixed this issue.

tldd[2277]: TLD(0) going to DOWN state, status: Unable to sense robotic device

tldcd[21316]: TLD(0) key = 0xb, asc = 0x44, ascq = 0x0, INTERNAL TARGET FAILURE

tldcd[21316]: TLD(0) drive read_element_status error


Does anyone had  experice with this same issue and know why that happened?



8 Replies

  • This is a hardware failure from the robot - difficult to say what's wrong. Nothing from the Netbackup side that can fix this.

    it could be a positioning issue within the robot (read_element_status error). Check for obstructions else call hardware vendor if error re-appear.



  • Did you have a look at the robot control panel or Web interface before you rebooted it?

    All of the errors in server logs point to hardware errors.
    Best if you send above logs to the hardware vendor.


  • You have a hardware error 

    tldcd[21316]: TLD(0) key = 0xb, asc = 0x44, ascq = 0x0, INTERNAL TARGET FAILURE

    ASC/ASCQ values describe a scsi status error, in simple terms, the library firmware has sent out an error message.

    Internal target falure - if I had to hazard a guess, I would say it is related to the communication between the library and one or more drives.  There is a cable that connects from the library to each drive (not the FC cable that connects to the switch) which I usual refer to as the 'secret squirrel cable' and I suspect the issue is in this area.

    Nicolai mentions positiong error, maybe, I can't say it isn't but I'm not sure that the library itself is particularly interested in monitioring or position the tape drives itself.

    Perhaps you could let us know what Quantum says.

  • Thank you all for the detailed info. Will check with vendor if this issue re-appear.




  • Hey Martin-

    I can't decipher the error message either, but I had the robot hand positioning in mind - a robot hand usually calibrate against a target. If the target drop off (seen that) I guess you could get a target failure.