RAC Oracle backup script and config
I have 3 nodes configured as oracle RAC (infdb1, infdb2 and infdb3)
PFA tnsnames.ora and hosts files configuration.
I would like to backup and restore with Failover VIP exists and backup is load balanced.
Anyone, can help me to give example backup and restore script for :
Backup Data + archive then delete archivelog
Backup arcvhive only then delete archivelog
DB Restore
Thanks a lot,
Two points to be considered for RAC .
One is policy configuration. There are 2 major options: single policy configuration(Automatic and Application Backup schedule on single policy) and two policy configuration(one have Automatic Backup schedule, and another have Application Backup schedule).
Another point to be considerd is how to allocate channels.
These considerations are detailed in Guide. Please check "Example RAC configuration: Failover VIP exists and backup is load balanced" in NetBackup 7.5 for Oracle Administrator'sGuide.http://www.symantec.com/docs/DOC5175To backup DBs and archive logs, start with sample script placed in /usr/openv/netbackup/ext/db_ext/oracle/samples/rman/. Replace "ALLOCATE CHANNEL" statement with those suggested in Guide. "RELEASE CHANNEL" statement is also required.
If you do not want to backup DB or control files, remove lines related to these objects from RMAN command section in your script.