Forum Discussion

prashant_shinde's avatar
11 years ago

SLP Images Removel

Hello Team Let me explain the scenario NB version  = OS  = Redhat Linux 2.6 We have RMAN backups which were previously backed up using SLP ( 1 Month Onsite + 1 Month Offsite ). in...
  • Amol_Nair's avatar
    11 years ago
    I guess rookie1 is confused about canceling thr SLP using the command line and the GUI.. It restarts automatically if the job was cancelled from the activity monitor.. Now back to your question since you mentioned that you modified the SLP itself it must have created a new version.. Run the following command to list all the SLP version and look for the version where the retention was incorrect nbstl -all_versions -L Once you know the version number with the wrong retention configuration just run the following command to cancel all the duplications associated with the version number nbstlutil cancel -lifecycle -version Personally i feel This would be easier than searching for backupids..