Forum Discussion

Hakeem's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Reduce Catalog size

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The Catalog size in NetbBackup is now more than 800 GB the retention for full backup is infinite and for incremental two week . What do I need to reduce the size of the current Catalog size on disk.



  • Your problem are the infinite backup. Meta data about those backup will remain in the catalog.

    As I see it you have two options:

    • Expand disk size and accept infinity will grow catalog very large
    • Archive part of the Netbackup catalog - see tech note below

    DOCUMENTATION: Overview of Catalog Archiving process

17 Replies

  • ok now that knew what is backup id and how to see the expiry date.

    I already deleted backup image created in 2014 . But to apply the reculculate command do I still need the backup id or I can use the command e.g D:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpexpdate -recalculate?

    If I need the backup id which is already deleted how can I see that again.

    Thanks and gettging near to solve the issue.


  • Now when I search the catalog for images in GUI I see this message for allot of entries


    INF - Skipping backup id hostname_1435087860, copy 1 is expired

    about 300 hundred entriess  i think.

    Is that okay


  • Once you have expired a backup its gone and there no need to run the bpexpdate -recalgulate command.

    the recalgulate is only if you want to apply a new backup retention to old backups.

  • Dear Nicolai,

    Since I applied the expired command. I no longer see the restore point for successful backup.

    please advise.


  • Please explain - did you expire too many backup (expire = delete backup) ?


  • Yes deleted allot.

    Yesterday I started a backup job now I can see the restore point.

    Let me run the mail monthly once again to see I can see the restore point for this.


    Can I please ask you to guide me about how to create a DR site for my current Backup system ?

    1- Scnerio :

    I have 2 main office and 11 regional offices .

    1.1 To get data backup from regions

    1.2 and then send the HQ and regional data to 2nd DR site.
