Forum Discussion

issmag's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

restauration complete de windows 20008 R2


je veux restaurer un serveur windows 2008 R2 SP1, à partir d'une sauvegarde complète réussi (avec code retour 0), je veux restaurer le C:\ et le système  stat

afin de retrouver l'état du serveur avant crash.

la policy de sauvegarde était : MS-WINDOWS

Master Version :

Client Version :

je vous remercie beacoup pour votre aide.


  • pleaser follow the steps listed in below tech note

7 Replies

  • <<<Google translate>>>>


    I want to restore a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, from a successful full backup (with return code 0), I want to restore the C: \ and stat system

    in order to find the server status before the crash.

    safeguarding policy was: MS-WINDOWS

    Master Version:

    Client Version:

    beacoup thank you for your help.

  • pleaser follow the steps listed in below tech note

  • hello,

    sorry, doesn't work i followed all the steeps :

    after i recovered the system stat and reboot the server, iy's gave a loop reboot...

    any idea please ?


  • Are you restoring to same platform and same OS version? The slightest difference will mean the TN cannot be used and BMR needs to be used. If you are restoring to the same machine, you need to follow ALL steps carefully. Do not skip any of the steps.
  • hello,

    yes, to the same server, same platforme same OS version. i followed carefully all the steps, but doesn't work...

  • Did you stop the services as explained in point 8?

    Did you collect logs before rebooting? (See step 9).

    No troubleshooting will be possible without logs...