Forum Discussion

MingHar's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Restore from the "duplicated tape" on different backup domain


In my situation, there are two site, Prod & Dr site, each site consists of 1 NBU Master and 1 NBU Appliance as Media Server. NBU version both all Master and Media server is

At prod, SLP is set to backup to MSDP, duplicate to tape and replicate to MSDP at DR site through A.I.R.

At Dr site, It was successful when restore from the disk, however  when the "duplicated" tape was bring to DR site and tried to restore. The catalog does not showed the backid. Even after the initial import, the backupid is not showed.

.Please advice sould there any step need to be done?


Thank you


  • See my comments below:

    Prod site:


      Duplicate (to tape)  
    Duplicate to tape on Prod site with catalog updates about tape image on Prod site. 

    Replicate of dedupe disk image to remote dedup disk.


    DR Site:

    Import of catalog info of replicated disk image.

    So, at this point the DR site has no knowledge of duplicate tape at Prod.
    Dedupe disk image is the ONLY known image at DR site.

    You can only restore from disk at DR.

    If you want a tape at DR, you need to do another duplication at DR that follows import of replicated disk image.
    Or import the tape brought from Prod.

  • The image duplicated by AIR followed by import of catalog info at DR site will ONLY be for the disk image.

    If you want the image to be availble at DR on tape as well, you will have to add a duplicate SLP operation to follow import at DR.

    If you want to bring Prod tape to DR, you will have to perform phase 1 import. 
    Depending on details seen in results tab of the phase 1 import (I have never tried this) it may or may not be necessary for phase 2 import.

    My gut-feel is that image headers will be updated with tape info during pase 1 import.

  • Hi Marianne,

    Can help me to understand by elebrate more on what you mean by "If you want the image to be availble at DR on tape as well, you will have to add a duplicate SLP operation to follow import at DR."?

    The current SLP configuration are:

    Prod site:


      Duplicate (to tape)



    DR Site:



    Catalog>Initial Import has been done. Still not able to see the tape. What is the possible steps I can do 


    Thank you


  • See my comments below:

    Prod site:


      Duplicate (to tape)  
    Duplicate to tape on Prod site with catalog updates about tape image on Prod site. 

    Replicate of dedupe disk image to remote dedup disk.


    DR Site:

    Import of catalog info of replicated disk image.

    So, at this point the DR site has no knowledge of duplicate tape at Prod.
    Dedupe disk image is the ONLY known image at DR site.

    You can only restore from disk at DR.

    If you want a tape at DR, you need to do another duplication at DR that follows import of replicated disk image.
    Or import the tape brought from Prod.

  • Just curious, why do you need to restore the "tape" copy if your AIR import (disk copy) is working and can be restored? Is it just to test if tape copy can be restored as well?

    The "tape" copy from main site can be imported for DR site to see. Initial (phase1) import only imports the tape, you need to perform a phase2 import to get the images.

  • Hi,

    Yes, just setup the AIR and it is to verifythe second copy can be restored from tape. The current issue faced is i cant see the backupid from the tape after I do the intial import. 

    It is not listed in "Catalog>verify". However it listed in the log file and under the "results" tab. Its there any step needed to be done to view the backupid.

    The tape consists of :

    a. backup images direct to tape

    b. Backup images backup to disk, duplicate to tape.

    The issue is only backup images direct to tape is listed.



  • Not sure what else to say....

    The 2 master servers are independent.

    The only image transfer/replication/import that happened between them is the MSDP disk copy.
    That is why we config AIR. 
    To have the disk images at remote site to restore from.

    Duplication to tape happens at Prod.
    Only Prod master knows about the tape duplication.

    Most people do it this way:

    Backup Prod
    Replication to DR
    Import image at DR
    Duplicate to tape at DR.

    This way all DR requirements are met - tape copies are offsite and tapes exist for long term retention.
    Short term retentions (which are used for 90% of all restore requests) are met with disk copies at each site.

    If you want both sites to have tape copies, you either need to config duplications on both sites.
    If you want to use Prod tape at DR, you need to import images.

  • Charmaine,

    I think I see where you are confused.

    AIR (Automatic Image Replication) is NOT creating a duplicate copy of the Netbackup catalog.  It is using the SLP process for sending a copy of the backup image to the remote site, and then importing that image to the remote site's catalog. 

    The remote site has no knowledge of the contents of the catalog at the Prod site, so it doesn't know about the original backup image at the Prod site, nor any duplicated copies to tape or disk performed at the Prod site. 

    And, if you duplicate the image at the DR site to another disk or tape, the Prod site has no knowledge of that, either.

    As Marianne and others have stated, the catalogs at both sites are completely independent.  All AIR is doing is making a copy of the image at another location and handing off management of the image to that location.