Restore from the "duplicated tape" on different backup domain
In my situation, there are two site, Prod & Dr site, each site consists of 1 NBU Master and 1 NBU Appliance as Media Server. NBU version both all Master and Media server is
At prod, SLP is set to backup to MSDP, duplicate to tape and replicate to MSDP at DR site through A.I.R.
At Dr site, It was successful when restore from the disk, however when the "duplicated" tape was bring to DR site and tried to restore. The catalog does not showed the backid. Even after the initial import, the backupid is not showed.
.Please advice sould there any step need to be done?
Thank you
See my comments below:
Prod site:
Duplicate (to tape)
Duplicate to tape on Prod site with catalog updates about tape image on Prod site.
Replicate of dedupe disk image to remote dedup disk.DR Site:
Import of catalog info of replicated disk image.So, at this point the DR site has no knowledge of duplicate tape at Prod.
Dedupe disk image is the ONLY known image at DR site.
You can only restore from disk at DR.
If you want a tape at DR, you need to do another duplication at DR that follows import of replicated disk image.
Or import the tape brought from Prod.You will have to perform the phase two import: