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LawPro's avatar
Level 2
15 years ago

Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration & the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)

I'm new here. Could anyone advice me.

16/11/2009 10:46:31 - begin Restore
16/11/2009 10:47:09 - 1 images required
16/11/2009 10:47:09 - media A00511 required
16/11/2009 10:47:13 - restoring image vssserv_1258155857
16/11/2009 10:47:14 - connecting
16/11/2009 10:47:15 - requesting resource A00511
16/11/2009 10:47:15 - granted resource A00511
16/11/2009 10:47:15 - granted resource QUANTUM.ULTRIUM3.000
16/11/2009 10:47:17 - started process bptm (5772)
16/11/2009 10:47:17 - mounting A00511
16/11/2009 10:47:17 - connected; connect time: 00:00:03
16/11/2009 10:48:47 - mounted; mount time: 00:01:30
16/11/2009 10:48:47 - positioning A00511 to file 9
16/11/2009 10:50:58 - positioned A00511; position time: 00:02:11
16/11/2009 10:50:58 - begin reading
16/11/2009 17:59:02 - end reading; read time: 07:08:04
16/11/2009 17:59:02 - restored image vssserv_1258155857 - (the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)); restore time 07:11:49
16/11/2009 17:59:03 - Warning bprd(pid=1864) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 15/01/2010 07:44:17
16/11/2009 17:59:03 - end Restore; elapsed time: 07:12:32
the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)
  • This is just a generic error message really.

    Can you check in the "View Status" in the BAR (Backup, Archive & Restore) GUI for the restore in question? This may give you (or us) a bit more of an indication as to why the restore failed (ensure verbose is ticked)

    What are you trying to restore & where to? If restoring to same location & did you 'tick' to overwrite? If to different location, does that location exist?

    Could always create the tar log directory (install directory\netbackup\logs\tar) on the client & restart the restore - this may also give more of an indication as to the reason for the failure. (May need to increase the verbosity of the logging for the client)

7 Replies

  • This is just a generic error message really.

    Can you check in the "View Status" in the BAR (Backup, Archive & Restore) GUI for the restore in question? This may give you (or us) a bit more of an indication as to why the restore failed (ensure verbose is ticked)

    What are you trying to restore & where to? If restoring to same location & did you 'tick' to overwrite? If to different location, does that location exist?

    Could always create the tar log directory (install directory\netbackup\logs\tar) on the client & restart the restore - this may also give more of an indication as to the reason for the failure. (May need to increase the verbosity of the logging for the client)
  • Dear Andy,

    Thanks for your response. I'm using Veritas NetBackup-Administration Console Version 6.5.4

    The View Status as following (Partial, taken from the last list):
    17:59:01 (6543.001) MNR - The file was renamed to the following:
    17:59:01 (6543.001) UTF - X:\I\F\nwrkdrvs\idrive\SYS ADMIN\TroubleshootingLogs\~$chnical Teams.doc
    17:59:01 (6543.001) TAR - F:\nwrkdrvs\idrive\SYS ADMIN\TroubleshootingLogs\~$CP problem.doc
    17:59:01 (6543.001) MNR - The file was renamed to the following:
    17:59:01 (6543.001) UTF - X:\I\F\nwrkdrvs\idrive\SYS ADMIN\TroubleshootingLogs\~$CP problem.doc
    17:59:01 (6543.001) INF - TAR EXITING WITH STATUS = 0
    17:59:01 (6543.001) INF - TAR RESTORED 692620 OF 692893 FILES SUCCESSFULLY
    17:59:01 (6543.001) INF - TAR KEPT 0 EXISTING FILES
    17:59:01 (6543.001) INF - TAR PARTIALLY RESTORED 2 FILES
    17:59:02 (6543.001) Status of restore from image created 14/11/2009 07:44:17 = the restore failed to recover the requested files

    17:59:04 ( INF - Status = the restore failed to recover the requested files.

    - Yes, the Verbose is ticked.
    - I tried to restore to a new i-scsi storage. The location is exist 
    - I'm not too sure how to create the tar log directory. Kindly advice.

    Thanking in advance for your advice


  • Create the tar log directory on the client under <install-path>\veritas\netbackup\logs
    The files not restored as well the reason for the failure should also be listed in View Status output. This output is also kept in a log file on the system where you did the restore from (probably the master server) under <install-path>\veritas\netbackup\logs\user_ops\<user>\logs.
  • At first I have C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\logs, and I saw a list of *.log file. I do not have tar directory and now I creates tar directory C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\logs\tar

    Is there anything I left out?
  • Are you restoring a single file or a directory? I came across situations where it would fail with code 5 to restore 1 single fail, but then when i tried to restore the directory the file exists it worked.

    So if you have enough space and  if your case is same as i mentioned above you may try restoring the directory.
  • I've had a similar experiences with no obvious reasons at first glance.

    Restoring to an alternate drive or folder or even another server can be a work around sometimes.

    Most recently, it turned out that Windows 2003 File Screening (a feature that blocks certain file types being written) was blocking PST files being written under the home drives folders.
  • Hi NaVa,

    It is a directory. Yes I have enough disk space