Forum Discussion

Cappino's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Restore Transaction Log - SqlServer2012

Hi all!

we have problem with restore transaction log from netbackup.

We have configured all like the documentation for try it, but the problem is this:

14-apr-2015 11.55.35 - begin Restore
14-apr-2015 11.55.36 - Info dbclient (pid=840) INF - RESTORE STARTED USING
14-apr-2015 11.55.36 - Info dbclient (pid=840) Microsoft SQL Server 2012 - 11.0.2100.60 (X64) 
14-apr-2015 11.55.36 - Info dbclient (pid=840) Feb 10 2012 19:39:15 
14-apr-2015 11.55.36 - Info dbclient (pid=840) Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
14-apr-2015 11.55.36 - Info dbclient (pid=840) Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.2 <X64> (Build 9200: ) (Hypervisor) 
14-apr-2015 11.55.36 - Info dbclient (pid=840) Batch = C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\restore_tran.bch, Op# = 1.
14-apr-2015 11.55.37 - Info dbclient (pid=840) INF - Using backup image DB-CRM.MSSQL7.DB-CRM.fg.VTE_CRM.PRIMARY.7.001of001.20150414000002..C
14-apr-2015 11.55.37 - Info dbclient (pid=840) INF - restore database "VTE_CRM" filegroup = 'PRIMARY' from VIRTUAL_DEVICE='VNBU0-840-5352-1429005337' with  stats = 10, blocksize = 65536, maxtransfersize = 65536, buffercount = 1, replace , norecovery
14-apr-2015 11.55.37 - Info dbclient (pid=840) INF - Number of stripes: 1, Number of buffers per stripe 1.
14-apr-2015 11.55.37 - Info dbclient (pid=840) INF - Created VDI object for SQL Server instance <DB-CRM>. Connection timeout is <300> seconds.
14-apr-2015 12.00.37 - Info dbclient (pid=840) ERR - Error in GetConfiguration: 0x80770003.
14-apr-2015 12.00.37 - Info dbclient (pid=840)     CONTINUATION: - The api was waiting and the timeout interval had elapsed.
14-apr-2015 12.00.38 - Info dbclient (pid=840) DBMS MSG - ODBC return code <-1>, SQL State <37000>, SQL Message <3102><[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE cannot process database 'VTE_CRM' because it is in use by this session. It is recommended that the master database be used when performing this operation.>.
14-apr-2015 12.00.38 - Info dbclient (pid=840) DBMS MSG - SQL Message <3013><[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.>
14-apr-2015 12.00.38 - Info dbclient (pid=840) ERR - Error found executing <restore database "VTE_CRM" filegroup = 'PRIMARY' from VIRTUAL_DEVICE='VNBU0-840-5352-1429005337' with  stats = 10, blocksize = 65536, maxtransfersize = 65536, buffercount = 1, replace , norecovery>.
14-apr-2015 12.00.38 - Info dbclient (pid=840) ERR - Error in VDS->Close: 0x80770004.
14-apr-2015 12.00.39 - Info dbclient (pid=840)     CONTINUATION: - An abort request is preventing anything except termination actions.
14-apr-2015 12.00.39 - Info dbclient (pid=840) INF - OPERATION #1 of batch C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\restore_tran.bch FAILED with STATUS 1 (0 is normal). Elapsed time = 304(304) seconds.
14-apr-2015 12.00.41 - Info dbclient (pid=840) INF - Results of executing <C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\DbExt\MsSql\restore_tran.bch>: 
14-apr-2015 12.00.41 - Info dbclient (pid=840) <0> operations succeeded. <1> operations failed.





We have tried with my dba to set db in multiuser and single user, but the problem is the same!

Has anyone ever experienced this problem and solved it?



  • This error is due to the fact that there's an open connection to the database. If overwriting existing database, please ensure no one is connected. Also ensure there's no I/O going to the DB. kill any existing process and restart the restore. If not, you can create a move template and restore to an alternate location. Thanks

4 Replies

  • Have had issues where we needed to stop the reporting services to be able to restore

    Also seen that having the SQL Studio manager can cause things like this

    The SQL server logs might give an hint about the problematic service/process

  • Just look for any DBBACKEX and bphdb process on the SQL server and kill it. It might be an earlier backup which was not killed properly. Recycling services wont kill dbbackex.exe so you need to manualy kill it. 

    Also note that any open Netbackup for SQL agent GUI also show as dbbackex.exe process. Make sure all users have closed thier sessions.

    And as suggested please share the dbclient log from sql server.

    Did you make sure the version of SQL server is compatible with existing Netbackup version. If not then please get it checked.

    Compatibility Guide

    MASTER Compatibility list:

    Version Compatibility TN: 

  • This error is due to the fact that there's an open connection to the database. If overwriting existing database, please ensure no one is connected. Also ensure there's no I/O going to the DB. kill any existing process and restart the restore. If not, you can create a move template and restore to an alternate location. Thanks