Forum Discussion

Doctorski's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

Rman restore from optimised duplication copy


    I am testing restore of an Oracle DB using RMAN to an alternate client and from my 2nd 5220.

The backup of the database was done using an SLP to a 5220 (app01) dedupe pool, optimised duplicated to a 2nd 5220 (app02) dedupe pool, and then also rehydrated to tape. So I have 3 copies

The archive logs were done via similar SLP but are NOT rehydrated to tape, so only have 2 copies.

I have made the images with 2 copies, and the images with 3 copies, the primary copies.

The restore of the db (from tape copy 3) is fine, but the archives are still coming from copy 1 even though copy 2 is the primary.

The alternate client does not have app01 in bp.conf so we are getting status 59's. I have added it as a temporary work around.

Reading the dedupe guide (page 185) there is info on optimised duplicated restores about supplying -disk_media_server switch to bprestore to force the restore from app02.

How do I get RMAN to use this switch ?

I cant use any of the FORCE_RESTORE or FAILOVER_RESTORE entries as we restore to many clients from different servers.

Using across the board. (2.5.1 on the appliances)

Many thanks - Darren

  • Can you try the following SEND option for the archived redo logs in your RMAN restore script:
    send 'NB_ORA_COPY_NUMBER=2, <your other stuff>';


    There is also the NB_ORA_DISK_MEDIA_SERVER option you could try, or maybe specifying both together:


  • Can you try the following SEND option for the archived redo logs in your RMAN restore script:
    send 'NB_ORA_COPY_NUMBER=2, <your other stuff>';


    There is also the NB_ORA_DISK_MEDIA_SERVER option you could try, or maybe specifying both together:


  • Go to client server : /usr/open/netbackup/db/altnames (if folder is not there create it and restart services).

    create touch file No.Restrictions.

    This type of approach is used for user directed restores to alternate client specially for application backups

    like oracles

  • Thanks Rleon will try the send of NB_ORA_DISK_MEDIA_SERVER

    The DBA script wont know which copy to use, we identify and set those to be the primary.

    But the send command sounds like what we need.

    Will let you know. Thanks



  • NO!!! This file goes on the master server ONLY.

    This is not the issue here as redirected restores are already working.

  • Thank you Rleon.

    The send of NB_ORA_DISK_MEDIA_SERVER is working.

    Is there a complete list of RMAN send options anywhere.


    - Darren

  • Thanks for the feedback.

    The list can be found in the Nbu Oracle admin guide under the section titled "About RMAN SEND command variables":

    Interestingly, the NB_ORA_COPY_NUMBER option is listed, but not NB_ORA_DISK_MEDIA_SERVER.


  • Thanks again RLeon. Was rather hoping KEYWORD was a missing SEND option too !